The Manu rune is the individual person, the family in which he/she was born and also the wider human family outside. In a reading it relates to those who are closest and dearest to the querent.

In ancient Northern Europe, kinship was far more important than it is today in our socially fragmented society. Association with the family defined who the individual was and how he related to society in general.

Sometimes in a reversed position this rune can signify that the querent may be forced to walk a lonely path for a while. It may also mean that he may have to forge new friendships with those of like mind and leave old friends and relationships behind.

As seekers progress, especially on the spiritual path, they may find it difficult to relate to people who do not share their interests. They may also feel that it is almost impossible to find others who share their thoughts and experiences. In such a situation the only alternative is a period of self-isolation before, eventually, new contacts can be made again.