In contrast to the previous rune, Beorc is ultra-feminine and is sacred to the sex goddess Freya. Its image represents a birch tree which symbolises fertility and new birth.

It could quite literally mean the conception or birth of a baby or a marriage. If this is not appropriate, it may signify the launch of a new business or the fruition of a long-standing plan. Because this rune has a feminine energy it can refer to female friends, relatives or influences.

In fairy tales and myths the archetypal Goddess figure can appear as either a beautiful young woman or an ugly old hag. As the crone she may ask the hero for a kiss or an embrace. If he overcomes his revulsion and complies, she is transformed into a beautiful woman who offers him the keys to the kingdom because secretly she is sovereignty or the goddess of the land.

This teaches the seeker to embrace the dark as well as the light for they are aspects of the same truth. Beorc may seem all ‘sweetness and light’ but the opposite of birth is death; as one soul enters the world another departs.