Tarotscopes October 2023



The Ace of Swords

It’s all about clear thinking and speaking your mind this month Taurus. This is the Ace of Truth and clarity and there’s no sugar coating your words. You’re now in a strong position if you were holding back, when it comes to putting words into action or Pen to paper. Now is also an excellent time to start a new project that requires you to use your intellect. Your comunication skills are at a peak, and you may feel inspired to take a writing class, practice your public speaking skills or get involved in activities that require brain power or brain storming.


The wheel of Fortune

It’s your time to acknowledge that there is a bigger picture at play Gemini as this is the card of Luck and good fortune. The Universe is watching and has heard you. Now it’s up to you to take a chance and recognise that this is more than that - it’s a fated event!. Life is always evolving and this is your time to embrace good luck and good fortune. This is also a time of Karma and reminds you that what goes around comes around eventually. Be a kind and loving person and you’ll get this in return. On the flipsde, if you treat others in a mean and nasty way the same will come your way.


The Three of cups

Time to let your hair down Cancer and celebrate life with your Best Friends. This month brings some much needed joy into your social circle. You are the center of attention with many offers coming your Way. Say YES to as many as possible, as this is a joyous month filled with Love and celebration.

You’ll be able to forget your worries and spend quality time with those that you cherish. There could also be a happy reunion with a long lost friend or relative. Spending quality time with people and feeling supported - you can put your hardships to one side and focus on happier times and making new memories.


The Page of Pentacles

When this Page appears, you are tapping into your ability to manifest a personal goal or dream. Maybe you’re in the midst of a new hobby, business venture or a course of study. This is the Month to put your mind into creating something for yourself in the knowing, that with focused intention, you can make it happen. In a quest to materialise your dream, you may need to learn a new skill or re - educate yourself in some way. These are the initial stages.. The message is to stay on track and keep focused and committed - by doing this you’ll see the project through…. Well done!


The Magician

The Master Manifestor is here to remind you that you have the tools, energy and resources to make your dreams a reality. Now is the perfect time to move forward on an idea that you recently conceived. The seeds of Potential have sprouted and you’re being called upon to take action. For you to manifest your goals, you must have a clear vision first, of what you want. It’s not enough to come from the ego - you need to connect with your heart and soul too. This is a powerful Month for you to align yourself and create the future you want. Inspired action with intense focus is essential as well as methodical planning to stay on track. Starting a new venture, business or project is also indicated. The time is Now!


The Moon

Mama Moon is shining down on you this month, which means that your Intuition is going to be ramped up quite a few notches - and this is for good reason.

When she appear, she is asking you to listen to your intuition. This is a month where the subconcious plays a big role in geting you to de -code your dreams. By doing this, you’ll get to the bottom of what might seem like a strange, but illuminating time. There appears to be lots of hidden agenda’s and maybe some deception around you. You might even feel uncertain about many things. Pay close attention to the Lunar cycles, as they’ll be lots of hidden messages that will be revealed to you. Work with your Crystals, the Tarot cards, or oracle cards - or any other form of divination to help navigate and guide you. Set a new intention on the New Moon and honour your achievments on the full Moon - so that new aspects of yourself can shine through.


The king of Pentacles

When this king shows up he represents Financial abundance and succsess. He’s ambitious, confident and creates wealth for himself and others. This month, you have a chance of attracting succsess, but you must be diciplined and in control to manage your wealth. If you’re looking to invest, this is a good time for long term investment. Look into and research all avenues if this is the case and look for new ways of doing things. Even a bit of risk taking wouldn’t go a miss, but make sure it’s a calculated risk. Can also relate to a person in your life that has these traits and is helpful and trustworthy - perhaps a new friend enters your life akin to this king. Either way - there is good intention.


The Chariot

You’re Feeling Confident and strong Sag, and if you previously encountered challenges, then the Chariot is here to remind you that this is the month you’ll over come them. Work and travel are highlighted - there’s plenty of movemen too. Now isn’t the time to be passive. You’ll be making decisions that are fully in alignment with your goals, and nobody will get in your way. Pushing past obstacle is essential now, and although you may feel you are pulled in many different direction the key is to stay in Control.

Your succsess, lies in your ability to stay confident and self disciplined - expressing your desires and laying down boundaries where nessacary.



You are at the end of a major phase or aspect of your life when this card appears. It’s one of the most misunderstood cards in the tarot, yet Death rarely means death, although it does point to the death of an old cycle and way of life. You must acknowledge that you need to put the past behind you and embrace new opportunities. There are many doors closing and opening for you this month and with these changes you could experience some unexpected surpises too. Any unhealthy attachments need to be let go of - you need to purge yourself of out- worn and out -grown ways of living. See this as a time to cut out any excess and let go of what no longer serves you and your highest good. This is a powerfully transformational period in your life, which may feel daunting but with endings - theres always brand new Beginings.


The Hermit

The Hermit card appears when it’s time to take stock and look within. During this period you might feel that you need to take more ‘Alone time’ which might seem out of character for you Aquarius, but very much needed. You want to do some work on yourself and this may involve some new learning - Writing- meditation, or any another form of spiritual dicipline. The Hermit is the Card for Virgo, and as we enter the next period, this couldn’t be a better time. The wise Sage of the tarot - the Hermit invites you to retreat into your own private world for a period of time. You know that you need to take this journey, as this will enable you to hear the answers he conveys or downloads. This is a time of quiet contemplation to help re -direct you onto a new path.



Strength is here to remind you to be brave through the tough times. It represents staying calm and cooperating with others . When this card shows up you have the stamina and patience that is required to work through some challenges. You may have to curb feelings of hurt and anger - and forgiving others imperfections, is what makes you an even stronger person. If you felt low in engery previously, strength is the perfect tonic and pick - me up!. A new Fitness regime or lifestyle change will work wonders for you this month. You are taking an inventory of your day-to day routine. A complete over haul of your health and well being will change your life for the better.


November Tarotscopes 2023


Tarotscopes September 2023