Tarotscopes May 2023


The Emperor

This month Aries is about leadership and authority. You’ll command respect and have earned your recognition. Offering your help and wisdom to those that need it, is one way to exercise the Emperor’s energies. You may encounter many people coming to you for advice and guidance and you are happy to offer this and pass on what you’ve learned. The Emperor holds much power and others see you as a powerful leader and influencer. The flip side of this card can be domineering and tyrannical with a rigid mind-set. With this in mind, it’s important to remember to use your leadership abilities constructively. You don’t need to take it from others - nor do you need to give yours away.   


Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is a sign that you need to open up and let go. This could be a relationship, your current job, or a number of things that are holding you back. Are you hanging on to things because they offer some security, but aren’t necessarily good for you? You also might want to apply this to your finances too. There’s nothing wrong by being motivated by money and material success, but becoming too attached to material wealth makes you lose sight of what’s really important in your life. This month Taurus, spread yourself out a bit more and do stuff that you haven’t done before. Treat yourself or a loved one to something special and step out of your comfort zone.


Seven of Cups

Castles in the air, too many choices - or just day dreaming yourself into a fantasy world.? When this card shows up Gemini you’re asked to question your choices? Are you being realistic? Pay close attention this month if you’re offered a big move of some kind. The opportunity might look too good to be true so go through all the options carefully and check in with your higher self before choosing the options that feel right. This will save you a lot of time, disappointment and energy if you consider options rather than make a decision. On the positive side your imagination and creative abilities are vivid, and easily expressed in painting or creating a beautiful piece of art work.



The Sun card represents warmth, happiness and positivity. It represents your power base – not   from the ego or fear driven. Life will be good for you cancer and you’ll be radiating positivity and confidence. Your energy levels will reflect this too, which means your psychical energy and vitality really peak and you’re bursting with enthusiasm. Your psychical health is given a boost – so if you’ve been feeling sluggish or low in energy, then this is about to change. Once this energy kicks in- harness it and make it a life style choice. You won’t look back. feeling fabulous will be your new mantra.


Ace of Pentacles

This is the beginning of your abundance phase Leo. Even wealth, if you’re are thinking along these lines. This Ace brings security and new beginnings around prosperity. You should be feeling optimistic - because this card indicates that you’re ready to make your dreams into a reality. There’s also an indication that you can manifest your dream job and achieve & manifest your goals. You’ll be feeling motivated and ready for any challenges that present themselves. Maybe you’re looking to invest in property or finance, either way, your focus is on creating security in all areas of your life and this is a fabulous month to do so.


The Hermit

This month you’ll be feeling like you need to withdraw your energy and take some alone time Virgo. This is an important time to go within and listen to the deep soul messages from your higher self.  Introspection – If you’re looking for answers to important questions then the Hermit is here to advise you. You are channelling some deep and higher wisdom and you’ll find that you will come up with all the answers you need. Going on a retreat – meditation or any system that allows you to connect with your higher self will be beneficial and much needed. Writing a journal would be part of this healing process.


Two of Swords

When the Two of Swords comes up it says that you have some important decisions to make that require you to be extremely clear before coming to a conclusion. Maybe you’re at a cross road in your life, or have some obstacles to overcome, or maybe you have 2 situations to choose from and you don’t know which way to go. Don’t take hasty action, use some time to contemplate before making a decision. Recharge your batteries and when your energy is up to scratch then decide on a course of action. The 2 swords depicted represent the left and the right brain. Using this strategy will give you peace of mind when you need to take the right path at the right time.


The Fool

This month there’s a wonderful open road for you to explore Scorpio. It’s the beginning of a new cycle with endless possibilities. You’re being asked to let go and embrace your adventurous side. Are you planning a trip or maybe you’re embarking on a new spiritual journey? Whether you know this or not, the Fool invites you to be open to new possibilities but you have to have faith. If you want to take a risk this month the answer is go for it! The universe is looking out for you and you’ll feel totally protected.


Six of Wands

Yes Sag! you’re back in the saddle where you belong! If April was about rest and recuperation, then May is all about victory. You’ve reached a significant milestone this month and you’re feeling confident, self - assured and successful. You’ve been working on harnessing your strengths and talents to bring about the outcome you desired. Not only have you achieved your goals, but you have public acclaim and recognition from your peers. This is the time to put yourself out there and be proud of what you’ve achieved. Shout it from the rooftops for others to see and cheer you on. Be open to receiving love and support from your biggest cheerleaders. You’ve earned it.


The High Priestess

The High Priestess is here to remind you that your intuition is powerful this month Capricorn and that you must trust your inner guidance. She is the teacher and the guide of the subconscious mind and has the ability to travel between realms. You will receive spiritual guidance and wisdom beyond anything that you’ve experienced before. Now is the time to be still. Tune into your intuition. Allow the High Priestess to become your guide through meditation or shamanic healing or become part of a spiritual community. These are rare experiences, so make sure you harness and integrate this energy.


Page of Wands

Good news Aquarius! Generally, this Page signifies news that should be coming swiftly in the way of letters, emails, phone calls or word of mouth. This creative Page brings fresh new ideas into your orbit. This month is a good time to plan a new and exciting project, but there is one word of warning. Don’t spread yourself too thinly or rush into new things without thinking them though. You’ll be feeling playful and energetic this month and full of optimistic youth. If you are looking to work with children, then this is the ideal month to put plans into action. Just make sure you’re not taking on too much of a work load.


Page of Pentacles

When the Page of Pentacle appears, it says that you are tapping into to your ability to manifest a personal goal or dream. Maybe you are planning a new project, hobby, business venture or starting a new course of study. You’re at the beginning of this journey which means that it’s important that you take on as much information as possible. Your mind is focused and able to absorb much info Pisces and you’ll be learning many new things along the way. Try something new this month and make sure you see it through. The mountain range in the background of this card signifies some challenges and obstacles that you will overcome along this interesting journey. Look at the gold coin this Page is holding, you will discover how to manifest even more abundance than you imagined.


Tarotscopes June 2023


Tarotscopes April 2023