Eclipse Season with Four card Combo
The Six of wands with the Fool.
Time to take a Risk! The Fool Card is about fresh new cycles and New beginings. It encourages us to go with the flow and trust in the knowing, that this new beginning, is a positive and successful one. Trust your instincts now, and take that leap of faith. Your Leadership skills have paid off. Victory is yours for the taking. The six of Wands. Maybe not Long term, but enjoy it while it lasts.
The World and the High Priestess.
When the World card shows up the message is one of Completion. You’ve accomplished what you set out to do and are feeling a sense of Wholeness and connection with yourself, and the outside World.
You Followed your Intuition (The high Priestess) and listened to your Sacred Feminine Voice. You’ve reached,( or are about to ) a significant cycle of your own Spiritual evolution, and have learnt many lessons that you’re intergrating, You’re ready for the next phase of your life to unfold.
The world can also indicate travel - literally and spiritually.