I love to hear your feedback on readings. Below are some of the many lovely messages i’ve been sent over the years.
If you have had a reading with me and would like to let me know what happened after, you can leave a testimonial below.
It's a pleasure to pay for the services of the most gifted and honest psychic in the country. Your readings are highly accurate, Rosa, and you push your intuition to the limit to give the customer as deep a look into the future as you can, without resorting to cheap tricks. This is very rare, and I am very lucky to be able to use your services.
Rosa, Thank you for your reading. It was a beautifully powerful and reasurring experience!
Monica, USA
Hi Rosa here is some feed back from the email reading you gave me, you are right about my life being a struggle, my husband has had cancer for 7 years and has been in and out of hospital. I'm glad to say his in remission now and you said he would get well !! I had to laugh when you said that I may want to work with children SPOT ON !! I have been working as a nursery nurse since 1990 and am currently the manager. Thanks so much for all the reassurance.
Dear Rosa, I just want to write to thank you for all the advice you gave me.You said that I would have to choose between 2 men! I'm happy to say, that not long after the reading my man came along and we've been together for 9 years! How FANTASTIC! Wishing you every success with your wonderful work.
Dear Rosa, you taught me the Tarot 3- 4 years ago and I have to say I have gone from strength to strength! And am now working at the psychic circle as well as mind body & spirit, I also have one to one clients too. Thanks for all your wisdom.
Dear Rosa, thanks for the reading it meant a lot and was very accurate! You were right about my boyfriends ex, she is causing problems but we are working through them as you predicted. Look forward to the next up date.
Claire, Sydney, Australia
Thanks to the lovely Rosa, a very gifted lady, spot on reading. Hit everything, so accurate and has helped me move forward in all areas. Thank you.
Dawn, Newcastle
Rosa has helped me in my development since the beginning of 2006. She treats you like a friend from the first phone call. She is so energetic and she truly loves what she does. The Rosa you see on the screen is truly herself, it is not an act for the camera. Her readings are always spot on. She has said things to me that no one could ever have known.
Mel, Surrey
Jesus Rosa, your reading from 3 years ago all came true! I'm listening now, freaked out literally in different stages. I was on a career path and changed and you said that. I also met 2 very different men and now i'm confused - as you said i would be!
Happy Client
Rosa - you gave me an email reading 2 years ago that really did blow me away regarding a relationship that was brief but intense. You said it wouldn't last but there would be some valuable lessons to take away from the experience and you were right. I'm calling you to book a follow up reading. Thank you for your amazing insights.
Morning Rosa, I thought that you'd like to know about someone giving me an apology as you predicted.This person come foward days after the reading saying explicity 'when can I speak to you. I owe you an apology' WOW!
I was first introduced to Rosa in May 2018. I was nervous and skeptical at first and just wanted to concentrate the reading on my relationship but Rosa took me down a much deeper path and made me look at things differently using her insights and Psychic abilities. She really helped my relationship get back on track and I can honestly say everything she said came true. She made me look at things differently, including my own behaviour, by explaining the root cause and my own negative behavioural patterns, offering me suggestions for a better path . Having not previously tried for a baby at 39, I was nervous it could ever happen. She reassured me that I would conceive fairly easily and within a time frame. This gave me the confidence to relax about things. I fell pregnant in July 2019 very quickly with Frazer. Frazer was born in March 29th 2020. I had another reading in October 2020, as I was starting to think about having another child. This was the first thing that Rosa picked up on - again telling me I would conceive easily but I had a window of a few months. Euan was born in 27th August 2021. He was meant to be elective section at 39 weeks so he was early. Rosa did say whatever my birth plan, Euan would be healthy. Euan was born naturally 3 hours before his planned section. I don't think I will ever doubt Rosa's ability again. I've recommended Rosa to many of my friends. If it wasn't for Rosa i'm pretty sure my life would be very different and I'm so grateful to her for all her wonderful insights and guidance over the years. Rosa is also a very kind and caring and approachable person.
Rosa you blew me away. Everything you said about the way my boyfriend would try to come back was so accurate, I couldn't believe it! It all happened within days of the reading, l am following your advice that you gave me and feel so much more in control! I still can't believe what you predicted.
Dear Rosa just wanted to say thanks for a great reading.
Jamie, London
Dear Rosa, thank you very much for the reading. I am getting very excited about the baby now! I will talk to you when we need your help for another feature. Best wishes.
Victoria White, Features Editor, Company Magazine
Many thanks Rosa for coming on the show, you were 'fantastic'!
Roque Sigade Vieto - Producer, xfm breakfast show with Christian O'Connell
Hi Rosa. I know it took me a little while to book my session but boy am I glad. Just one day after my reading with you, what you had predicted came true. I was at a crossroads in my life and you cleared things in my mind for me. I can't thank you enough. You’re a gifted person. Keep on doing what you do, you’re amazing! Thank you x
I have had readings with many psychics over the years but Rosa is someone I have kept in contact with for over six years because her readings are so reliable. She has predicted so many things that have come true, just a few of them being that she saw me meeting my current partner, going into business with him, recovering from a long-term physical health problem and marrying! I highly recommend her and will certainly be having more readings in the future.
Lara, London
To any of my friends who may need/want guidance in their life, you need to speak via telephone to a very special woman that I found a few years ago in London. Everything she has ever told me has materialised and if I have any queries about life choices she is like a guardian angel. So, so genuine and a true gift in life. She is an Italian born clairvoyant and was certainly put on this earth for a reason. You who know me know it’s rare I'm lost for words, but this woman is so special. My advice to anyone who needs advice is go for it and book a reading. I met her 3 years ago and have never looked back!
Helen A
Dear Rosa, Your reading was amazing and you pointed out some things from my past and also fears of mine that nobody knows about. Really made me feel so positive. Thanks.
Raluca, Milton Keynes
Top work Rosa. Everything you said was 100%!
Happy Client, York