March Horoscopes
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
Your Birthday season is coming up Aries, and as the Sun continues to travel through Pisces activating your healing and spirituality sector, giving you some much needed closure and getting more deeply in tune with your subconscious thoughts and fears. This allows you to explore this side of your nature without running away from what you find.
Mercury entering your Sign on the 9th helps you to have a greater clarity and confidence when it comes to how you express yourself, and the New Moon in Pisces on the 10th is an ideal time for setting your intentions for how you’d like to heal from the inside out.
Once the Sun shifts into your Sign on the 19th, your New astrological year begins! All planets are in direct motion this month, and with the Libra Lunar Eclipse on 25th in your partnership sector the right people turn up helping you to reach your Objectives, while you’re clearing out the wrong people from your life. An essential Process.
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
Welcome to March Taurus. You’ll be feeling more relaxed this month especially in the first 3 weeks, with Jupiter transiting your sign. This is your Manifestation Season Taurus, so take advantage while it lasts and day dream vividly like you already have it especially between the 10th and 20th in particular, when the Pisces New Moon will be at its most potent.
Your Ruler Venus enters Pisces on the 11th so you’re likely to be shining more than usual during this time. You’re feeling and looking Fabulous, and for Single Bulls, this is a great time to meet new friends and flirt with potential new Love interests.
When the astrological new year begins on the 19th, your energy becomes more introspective as your healing sector is activated allowing for closure to take place in areas that need it.
Then on the 25th the Libra Lunar Eclipse activates your sector of wellness and Health. Get those check – ups booked in and tweak those daily routines to ensure you’re feeling strong and beautiful from the inside and out.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
This month your ruler Mercury shifts out of Pisces into Aries on the 9th, where it remains until mid-May. This harmonises well with your Mercurial Nature and it activates your sector of Friendship and technology.
If you’re needing to rebrand yourself or revamp your online profiles then this is the perfect time to do so. Chances are, you’ll meet some new people during this transit. The energy of Pisces Season activates your career sector. The new Moon from the 10th is ideal for intention setting, and if you’re feeling disconnected from your current job this is the time to start looking into new and better options.
The Month ends with a powerful Lunar eclipse on the 25th in Libra This activates your sector of Fun, fate and Love. Whether you’re looking for love or not, you’ll be looking at ways to detox, any toxic relationships generally, by being brutally honest with yourself. This Lunar Eclipse will purge unhealthy energies from your Life, including the energies that may subconsciously be coming from you. Breath through the growing pains Gemini and trust in process.
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
Cancer, doors of opportunity continue to open this month if you’re brave enough to walk through them. It’s all up to you!
During the first three weeks of March, your long-distance journey sector is activated encouraging you to step out of your comfort Zone, and dream those big dreams. Use the Pisces New Moon on the 10th as a portal to set some clear intentions regarding where you see yourself in 6 months from now. If you’ve been wanting to travel or start a course of Study this is the perfect time to begin this journey.
Once Aries Season begins on the 19th your Career sector is activated. You may feel ready to ask for a promotion or a raise, or launch your own business. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th in your home sector may leave you feeling a little destabilised. Give yourself plenty of time to rest and integrate the cosmic lessons shown to you. By the end of March, you’ll feel More recharged and ready to go.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
Leo, this month you’ll be reflecting on ways to show up in a more emotionally transparent way, even if it feels uncomfortable to do so. Pisces season highlights ways that you may be over protecting yourself rather than leaning into intuitive awareness.
Use the Pisces New Moon on the 10th as a portal to set intentions, and allow yourself to trust in the process of becoming more soft and Vulnerable. Once Aries season kicks in on the 19th, you’ll feel activated by your ruler – your fellow Fire sign. This is the ideal time to plan long distant travel, enrol in a course of Study, publish your work in the media or spread your wings in whatever way your heart desires.
On the 25th The Libra Lunar Eclipse activates your communication sector and your Creative sector. Projects you’ve been working on these past 6 months will be ready for the big Reveal. Be ready to celebrate yourself in all your crown and glory.
Virgo - 23 August to 22 September
Virgo, Pisces season continues with themes of Love and intimacy. Your Sector of Marriage and partnerships is lit up, with Mercury Venus, Mars and Neptune, all spending time in Pisces. On the 9th your planetary ruler Mercury enters Aries for a lengthy transit, shifting your focus on ways to invest in yourself.
Use this transit to brainstorm or initiate ways to generate or bring in passive incomes. Be bold and strategic in your approach using the New Moon on the 10th to intuitively assess ways to excel your current Priorities.
Aries season begins on the 19th. You’ll feel inspired to take a leap of faith when it comes to wealth building. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th in your money and self-worth sector prepares you for whatever unexpected twists and turns come your way. Remember Worth is more than just Money Virgo, something worth remembering.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October
This is a major month for you Libra as we experience our first Eclipse of the year in your sign on the 25th. You’ll feel the effects of this Eclipse building all month, but before it strikes, you’re advised to use the rest of Pisces Season to organise and structure your life in alignment with your Deepest Values.
Eclipses can be unpredictable, particularly Lunar Eclipses. Instead of planning and preparing for this Eclipse, its better to look at ways to simplify your life style and clear out even more dead weight.
On the 10th, we have a New Moon in Pisces. Plant those seeds of intention Libra and visualise yourself feeling more light hearted with the life style you want. On the 19th Aries season begins and we enter a new astrological Year. Your sector of Marriage and partnerships is activated and Mercury enters Aries as well as Chiron – the wounded Healer. Figure out what mistakes you made or tolerated where your Love life is concerned. Make a vow to learn from them and trancend this month by the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 25th. Its work worth doing, leaving you feeling renewed and refreshed.
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
Scorpio, this month is your month for regeneration. During the first 3 weeks, several Pisces placements stimulate your creativity Sector of Fate,true Love and fun. Yes Fun! Your life gets increasingly better and your visions become more crystal clear by the day.
Especially around the10th, when we have a new Moon in Pisces. This is an auspicious New Moon for you as it will help to catalyse new heights as an Artist, or a Lover. When the Astrological New year begins on the 19th, Aries season also begins. You’ll be in the Mood to look at your health journey and daily routines.
If you’ve been feeling lazy, or lethargic during Pisces Season, the Sun and Mercury in Aries will help you refresh and restructure your daily habits. By the time of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th in your spirituality sector, you’ll be feeling highly emotional so get as much rest and healing as you can.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
The month of March encourages you to slow down Sag, especially during the first 3 weeks where your Family and home sector is activated. Your focus will be rooted there. The new Moon in Pisces on the 10th, provides you with the ideal period to unpack and heal family traumas, or break generational hexes or curses, with the Spirit of Love at the centre - whatever New Moon intention you’re setting.
With your planetary ruler Jupiter spending another two months in Taurus, you’re being asked to be as connected to your roots as much as possible which means not numbing your feelings, but facing them head on.
Life lightens up by the 19th, when Aries season kicks in with an astrological new year. Having the Sun in your fellow Fire sign ignites you with dynamic ambitious energy, in your sector of Love, Fate and Fun. You’re ready to flirt, dance and go on as many adventures as possible. By the time the Libra Lunar Eclipse strikes on the 25th, activating your friendship sector, a dramatic and necessary shift occurs, leaving you with little choice but to accept what it brings.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
Welcome to March Capricorn. This month lights up your sector of Communication and creativity. If you’ve been meaning to start a new creative project or hobby, then use the New Moon in Pisces on the 10th as an initiation portal.
Your ruler is currently in Pisces until 2026, so as much as you may think being practical is your strong point, this season will teach you how much sensitivity is your real super power.
Aries season Begins on the 19th and the suns transit through Aries will initially create tensions with your Capricorn Nature. This tension will in fact push you to address any lingering family drama, that may have created blockages and resentments in you consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th activates your Career sector which could lead you to change the way you approach your work through creating more balance and freedom in your life.
Say good bye to being a workaholic, and hello to feeling more liberated.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
Money Matters continue to be on your mind as the month of March begins Aquarius. The Sun, Venus, Mars, and Neptune all spend time travelling through this sector of your chart, and this Pisces Stellium is teaching you to allow material and financial rewards to naturally flow to you through the path least resistant.
Think of ways to attract wealth through simplifying the work that you do. This isn’t the time to add more - better to clear what you do not need and deal with the essentials.
Aries season begins on the 19th. This kick starts a new Astrological year, in your communication and creativity Sector. If you’ve been wanting to launch a new campaign or proposal, you have the Green light now!
By the 25th, when we have a Lunar Eclipse in your fellow air sign of Libra, this strikes in your long distant travel sector and expansion sector. You’ll feel ready to spread your wings and step out of your comfort Zone by perhaps taking an overseas Trip that your Gut instinct urged you to go on. This could bring in some wonderful Surprises - so do it!
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
This Month, the Sun continues its journey through your sign until the 19th when the Sun enters Aries and a new Astrological year begins. By the 10th, when your annual new Moon strikes, set some clear intentions regarding the direction you take for the next six months.
With Saturn the planet of Life lessons currently in your sign until 2026, the universe is definitely paying attention to what you’re speaking, writing and wishing into existence.
Once Venus enters your sign on the 11th, your powers of magnetism and attraction deepen, and you may feel creatively or romantically fulfilled during this transit. Mars enters your sign on the 22nd, encouraging you to find balance between being assertive and remaining spiritually tuned in.
This may be a time to forge ahead with some big risks with a more spiritual approach initiating the Necessary steps. Once the Lunar Eclipse strikes on the 25th in Libra, this activates your intimacy sector meaning that you may have to sever ties with draining habits or people, in order for you to truly soar Pisces.