June Horoscopes 2024
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
Aries — all the Gemini energy in the cosmos is encouraging you to let yourself be seen and heard more consistently. This is a great month for exploring different passions and hobbies that you feel intuitively drawn to. There’s no need to immediately monetize them either… Pursue what your inner child wants to do and allow yourself to play more, particularly around the Gemini new moon on the 6th.
Once your ruler Mars leaves Aries on the 9th and enters Taurus for the next six weeks, your attention shifts to bringing in more financial stability into your life. This can happen through tapping into new creative avenues with the help of Jupiter in Gemini. Spend the first three weeks of June brainstorming fresh horizons, because you’ll be in more of a homebody and introspective mood once the solstice strikes and Cancer Season begins on the 20th, followed by Saturn’s retrograde through your spirituality sector on the 29th.
June brings a whirlwind of energies to you Aries. Expect significant developments in your personal and professional life but don’t neglect your day to- day rituals as you could get burnt out. Include some OM time.
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
Taurus this is the first full month that you’re experiencing this year where Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is no longer in your sign. Now that it’s in Gemini you’ll still attract luck, but rather than it being in a general way, it’ll specifically have to do with your relationship to money and your own self-esteem. The Gemini new moon on the 6th combined with Jupiter in Gemini gets you in mood to reinvent yourself and to get innovative when it comes to how to increase your revenue streams. The less you stress about matters out of your control during Mars’ six-week transit through your sign — as challenging as that may be — the more solutions will magically and magnetically appear.
Once your planetary ruler enters cancer on the 17th (the same day that Mercury also enters Cancer), followed by the solstice on the 20th, your attention shifts to ways you can communicate with greater compassion, patience, and vulnerability. You’ll be in the mood to rest and simplify your lifestyle during the final two weeks of June, as you’ll be feeling the pre-shadow effects of Saturn’s retrograde (which begins on the 29th). Make it your mantra to do less, but with greater intention and consistency.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
Gemini - you have everything it takes to soar this month, as the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all enter your sign, encouraging you to tap into the spirit of rebirth and reinvention. But at the same time, all of this air energy in the cosmos could have you doing way too much at once this June, which could leave you feeling physically and emotionally scattered. Use your annual new moon on the 6th (and the 10 days that follow) to get clear about what truly deserves your time and attention, and what can be paused, delegated, or eliminated. Once Cancer season begins on the 20th, you’ll feel much more sensitive to your own needs and desires, and if you’ve suppressed them in any way you’ll feel a strong urge to break free from your own fears and limitations and pursue what intuitively feels good to you.
Just make sure to have a solid plan in place rather than just winging it, because Saturn, the Planet of Challenges and life lessons begins it’s retrograde in Pisces on the 29th, and this could make your foundation feel shaky. Instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on starting with the plans that provide you with the most freedom of choice and time.
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
Cancer — your birthday season begins this month! But before we get to that, you’ll still be in your own cocoon due to the Gemini stellium activating your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure until June 20. Use the New Moon on the 6th to release any resentment or emotional burdens you’ve been holding on to these past six months. Gemini energy encourages lightness, so cleansing your physical space from clutter and donating items you don’t use could help you feel refreshed this month, even amongst the flurry of activity that’s occurring.
You’ll be glad you took the time to purge nonessentials during the first three weeks of June, because it’ll allow you to emerge from this period once the Solstice strikes and the sun enters your sign on the 20th (six days after Venus, the Planet of Love, and Mercury, the Planet of Communication, settles there).
Cancer Season allows you to step into the spotlight and show the world how brilliant you are. Then the Capricorn full moon on the 21st could lead to a breakthrough conversation or reconnection with a lover or close friend, which will encourage you to let go of grudges or past disappointment, and make a fresh start.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
Leo —this month you’re likely to feel lighter and brighter than you have in quite some time, and this is largely due to the energy of Gemini Season igniting your sector of friendship and social networks during the first three weeks of June. This is an excellent time to connect with people who celebrate your light, and to distance yourself from people who consciously or unconsciously attempt to dim it. Use the Gemini new moon on the 6th (and the 10 days that follow) to get clear about what healthy and mutually beneficial friendships feel and look like to you, and make sure that you’re working on emulating those same qualities.
Your more private and reserved side emerges starting on the 17th followed by the solstice striking on the 20th, and then the Capricorn full moon dominating the skies one day later. The final 13 days of June will feel significantly more mellow and introspective than the first half, so do your best to keep your schedule low key because you’ll be highly sensitive to energies and could find yourself emotionally overwhelmed as we approach Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces on the 29th
Virgo - 23 August to 22 September
Virgo, this month your planetary ruler Mercury spends time in both Taurus and Gemini, so June will have a different flavour to it as the month goes by. The Gemini New Moon on the 6th may dramatically switch up your career path in unexpected and exciting ways. Set intentions in the 10 days following this new moon in which you allow yourself to redesign your career path altogether, with no limitations. You sometimes play things safe in order to maintain balance, but this month you’re encouraged to be more carefree and take well-calculated risks.
Cancer Season begins on the 20th and this will help you better hear and trust yourself when making decisions. As much as you tend to overthink situations in your life, you’d benefit from letting the energy of Mercury, Venus, and the sun in Cancer help you flow with life’s currents rather than trying to micromanage every aspect of your life. Keeping this mindset will be particularly helpful once Saturn begins its four-month retrograde in your partnership sector on the 29th. People may suddenly act differently and there’s not much you can do about it except learn to let go.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October ”
Libra, you can feel the expansiveness in the air this month, largely due to your ruler Venus starting off in your fellow air sign of Gemini and activating your sector of travel, long journeys, and adventures. With the sun, moon, Mercury, and Jupiter also lighting up this sector of your life, your mission during the first three weeks of June is to play more, travel, learn, teach, and switch up the status quo so that you feel liberated in what you do and who you surround yourself with. This energy will feel both motivating and somewhat overwhelming, because even though there’s so much you’re in the mood to do all at once, it’s not sustainable to take such a path.Do your best to heed this astrological advice, because if not, once the Solstice begins on the 20th, followed by the Capricorn full moon one day later, you may suffer from burnout and frustration at all the responsibilities piling up on your plate. This is due to Capricorn and Cancer energy both squaring off (creating astrological friction) with your Libra energy, and pushing you to face some of the burdens or stressors you previously were denying. By the time Saturn retrograde begins in Pisces on the 29th, you’ll feel like you made it through a spiritual boot camp. End the month by committing to deep rest and restoration.
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
Scorpio, now that Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is spending its first full month in Gemini, you’d benefit from being more social and outgoing, even if you usually prefer remaining in your own shell. This is because your sector of depth, intimacy, and outside resources is activated by Jupiter in Gemini which means a lot of what you’ve been asking for exists right out of your comfort zone. You can’t stay in the same environments and expect your life to change, so use the Gemini new moon on the 6th — and the 10 days that follow — to get clear about the leaps of faith and needed changes in your behavioural and social patterns that would benefit your evolution.
Once the solstice strikes on the 20th, followed by the Capricorn full moon on the 21st, you have the green light to retreat from your social life and take a breather. You’ll also be feeling the effects of Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces that will begin on the 29th — this may lead to delays or frustrations in your romantic or creative life, as well as in your friendships. But these shifts may also serve as forms of protection and redirection, encouraging you to have more power over your life and make the necessary adjustments so that the actions you consistently take are in alignment with your core values.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
Sag, you’re being asked to lean into the power of community and intimacy this month. With your planetary ruler Jupiter spending its first full month in your opposite sign of Gemini, you’re likely to attract people who will serve as mirrors. Some of what you see will inspire you, and some of what you see will trigger you. With Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, preparing to shift retrograde on the 29th, you’d benefit from not being overly reactive or defensive when others reveal their truth to you, but rather become a patient observer and honest communicator. Communicate with yourself first and foremost — the Gemini new moon and the six months that follow can help you do this — and then once you have clarity about your desires and frustrations, you can voice them to others.
Cancer Season begins on the 20th, followed by the Capricorn full moon on the 21st. Once the solstice strikes, you may initially feel Blocked by the more sensitive and serious turn that the month of June takes. Try not to run away from the deeper and more intense emotions that emerge at this time — the full moon energy is inviting you to self-reflect and assess what your strengths and weaknesses are. Face the truth about any financial stressors coming up for you near the end of the month. It’s through looking at your challenges head on that you’ll manifest solutions. Your 7th house of relationships and partnerships take center stage this month in a positive way. Single Archer don’t be surprised if finally - you meet that special Soul.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
Capricorn, this first full month of Jupiter in Gemini activates your sector of health, service, and routine. This is a year-long transit, so while you may feel a strong urge to revamp your fitness and wellness regimens, you’d benefit from not rushing or putting pressure on yourself to constantly be improving your lifestyle. Find ways to celebrate yourself and your evolution around the Gemini new moon on the 6th — and the 10 days that follow. By being kinder to yourself, you’re encouraging the universe to keep the blessings flowing. Speaking of blessings, once cancer season starts on the 20th, followed by your annual full moon one day later, don’t be surprised if your secret or not-so-secret admirer (or admirers, due to the double portion energy of Jupiter in Gemini) emerge and confess their feelings to you. There’s no need to immediately make a decision, but you’ll definitely feel moved by whatever is revealed romantically during the next four weeks, so stay open to pleasant surprises and healing reconciliations.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
Aquarius, you’ll find the month of June to be energetically lighter (and also busier) than previous months this year, and that’s largely due to Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, spending its first full month in Gemini. You harmonize well with Gemini vibes, and Pluto’s presence in your sign also blends well with all these Gemini transits. This is a great period for social networking and taking leaps of faith — particularly from June 6 to 16, when we’ll be feeling the Gemini new moon energy most potently.
Once cancer season begins on the 20th, followed by the Capricorn full moon on the 21st, you may feel the need to retreat from the masses and decrease the amount of work you have on your plate. It’s not enough to escape to a vacation whenever you start to feel burnt out… Use your ruler Saturn’s retrograde on the 29th to get clear about responsibilities you can peacefully release in coming weeks and months so that you free up your time to do more of what truly sparks joy.
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
Pisces, this month Saturn, which is currently in your sign until 2026, begins its four month retrograde. This doesn’t occur until the 29th, but you’ll be feeling the pre-shadow effects of this retrograde all month long, so have compassion with yourself if you’re not always feeling super energized.
Jupiter, one of your planetary rulers, spends its first full month in Gemini, and since Gemini energy squares off (creates astrological tension) with your sensitive nature you may be feeling a lot of external pressure from this transit, as if you suddenly have to figure out all of your deepest objectives. This transit is activating your sector of roots and family, so you may also have to juggle many family responsibilities while figuring out what brings you a sense of fulfillment. Keep in mind that Jupiter in Gemini will last until June 2025, so there’s no need to rush the process. Use the new moon in Gemini portal from June 6 to 16 to visualize where you’d like to be and how you’d like to feel a year from now. Then use the Capricorn full moon on the 21st to start putting those plans into action.