October Horoscopes 2024.
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
October brings a stronger focus on balancing your life, feedback and collaborating Aries. There’s an emphasis on your close relationships which is not unusual, but a solar Eclipes in your house of Partnerships, is preparing you for changes in your approach to your realtionships. The solar Eclipse on the 2nd stimulates your desire for a fresh start. It’s always a good idea to feel things out first around Eclipse time and then take action on your plan a few weeks after. With Venus in your 8th House untill the 17th you can enjoy a real sense of Joy through intamacy. You may experience an emotional breakthrough of your own. You or your partner may receive a financial boost during this period. Let in the postive energy now Aries, and make room for new opportunities. The emphasis on your 7th House of Relationships is a time of learning through the mirror of close relationships. During this cycle you’ll learn just how well you’re learning to deal with Life’s up’s and downs. Letting go of the past and moving forward - a new set up in new partnerships ( or current ones) as well as a sense of renewal regarding your relationship Skills, is all coming together in ways you didn’t expect.
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
Health, work and routine are the emphasis Taurus for you in October. It’s a good idea also to focus on Healing and reflection so you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self care rituals. The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd, highlights lifestyle improvements. Starting a new self - care regime is the order for this month. Venus enters your partnership sector until the 17th which is good if you’re seeking a new relationship. Existing ones, feel Super satisfying - you really do step up your game in this department. The Sun continues to put the spotlight on your 6th house of work, service and health - especially your diet. Pets, if you have them are also highlighted. Perhaps you decide to foster a new pet, or there’s an emphasis on any existing pets you have. Now is the time to know your true potentential. You need the energies, companionship and support of your closes allies now. This is an especially busy time for working, particular if you work with people on a one- to one bases. On another note avoid making big decisions at work during this Eclipse period - as new information that can change your perpective is often revealed a few weeks after.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
You’re in a period of a stronger empahasis on self expression through hobbies, Love and pleasure Gemini. This is generally a good time to enjoy your life. Prioritize Joy, Fun and even a new Love affair could show up for you! Venus is in your work and health sector until 17th and Mars in your 8th house of financial resources is here all month. You heal this month through good humour and enjoyment. There is also opportunites to improve your wellenss and day to day routine, and talking of Love, you may attract someone through your health and wellness goals. To clear the way for a fresh start after the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd, you may need to reflect and look back at your life a little differently. You’ve held on too tightly to things keeping you from expressing your authentic self, but you’ll soon be making changes in this department. It’s been a long time coming.. There’s a strong push to make a fresh start regarding Romance,creative projects, and the simple joys of life. After Jupiter - currrently in your sign turns retrograde on the 9th, you’ll begin to recognise areas of excess and focus on projects you’ve already taken on rather than adding new ones to your life.
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
October brings a focus on your personal and domestic world Cancer. If you’ve been at odds with a project launch, a move, or a personal change, the energies of the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd may tempt you to push Forward. However take your time with new beginnings, particulary on the home front. A fresh start arises from feeling in the dark or in limbo. Whatever the reason for sarting a fresh on the home front, your personal life and family needs Nurturing and safty. Venus in your joy sector until 17th and the Sun from the 22nd puts you in a creative Mood. Your Powers of attraction run high, and you’re generous with your Heart, time and happiness. As your energy expands, so do your horizons. Especially through Art, Music, and other special hobbies. The Sun highlights your 4th House. This period is a period to get in touch with your innermost feelings and recharge your batteries. Home and family capture your attention and are a strong source of pride. It’s a time when outside matters are not so important.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
October brings a focus on your 3rd house of Communication, study, transport and siblings. The solar Eclipse on the 2nd promps you to take a new approach with a learning path or new Project. It’s time for new and improved communication style Leo. You may feel overwhelmed by this Eclipse energy, but you’re gradually start to fill back up from the 9th. This period is about boosting mental rapport with others, sharing Ideas, or reaching out and putting your energies into new interests or studies. Time to let go of out dated attitudes or conditions, so that the path is clear for a new beginning. Venus transits your solar 4th house of home and family, staying here untill the 22nd - when Mars goes into your 12th house. This can be a time of improving home conditions, living arrangements and relationships with your loved ones. Opportunities for Love and friendship may emerge closer to home this month. You may want to bring more Love and Beauty into your home enviroment. The Sun continues to highhlight your Solar 3rd house, and you’re most likely to be a very ‘busy Bee’ with lots of communication, short trips, with your finger in many pies.
Virgo - August 23 to September 22nd
October brings Money matter and business along with practical affairs to the forefront Virgo. With Jupiter turning retrogarde this month, the key is moderation. The Eclipse on the 2nd brings your resources, including money, and belongings into focus. It’s time to consider better ways to improve your financial position. The sun continues to transit your solar 2nd house of Finances. You might develope a more materialistic view of life for the time being. You develope a taste for luxury goods or a more luxurious lifestyle, and you’re seen as being more extravagant than usual. But do watch your spending habits, as they may spiral out of control! From the 23rd, the Sun enters your 3rd house of Communication, short distance travel and siblings. You may find yourself being a ‘busy bee’ - moving around in your immediate enviroment. The Solar eclipse on the 2nd marked the end of a cycle for you Virgo. Letting go of the past is key now, in order that you move forward. You focus your energy on new budget plans, as well as a new sense of renewal and wellness. You also have an increased awareness of the physical world, and of the senses. You’re intouch more than ever before where your psychical needs are concerned.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October ”
There’s a Focus on your Financial situation, talents and communication skills this month Libra. The month begins with the Sun and Mercury in your sign, a Solar Eclipse on the 2nd, and a strong focus on selfcare. It’s also a time of self discovery and a rekindling of the courage to express your true Authentic Self. Your recent decisions and plans, see’s you taking on a new direction. The focus is on personal growth, and making thoughtful changes. Avoid overestimating or underestimating a person or situation. It’s important instead to let the truth of a situation reveal itself which may take time and patience. While the Solar Eclipse clears the way forward for new beginnings, it might not be esay to see your way. But ultimately, it does lead to a fresh start with how you approach and present yourself to the world. You begin to stand Proud, as you embrace a new sense of identity personality, independance and body image. All thanks to the spotlight highlighting your 1st House of self image. Go slow this month, as all the info you need may not yet be fully available. Be patient, as all will be revealed in good time.
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
With the sun and Mercury in your 12th house, there’s a greater need for personal and private time, while you’re more inclined to look within for answers. You’re in a good position to problem solve, making sense of the past, and drawing up plans for your Future. Others may come to you for Advice and seek you out for some wisdom. Try not to over think things, with Mercury forming a tricky angle to Saturn. Obligations can swollow up your time, so prioritize your duties rather than avoiding them. October is a time to heal and nourish your inner sanctuary. Any Toxic or draining influences that impact your well being are best avoided where possible. Venus in your sign until 17th boosts your charm and attractivness. The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd presents a challenge, but it may also offer you the opportunity for a fresh start. Be mindful of the potential pitfuls of escapism or avoidance, which may make it difficult to relax, sleep or feel present. Secrets may come to light as we go towards the 2nd half of October. You make more sense of past events and relationships, and are able to make significant changes leading to more spiritual growth.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
October puts the spotlight on your Happiness, friendship groups, activities and networking Sag. New collaborations are now possible. Venus in your sign from the 17th brings you even more attention, and encourages you to take care of yourself by listening to your wants and needs. The new Moon Eclipse on the 2nd highlights your personal happiness and the people around you. Some drama in your social life shakes things up enough to get things going. A renewed friendship or a totally new perpective on your social life is emerging. Jupiter your ruler turns retrograde on the 9th. A time where you can take a realistic look at current projects. Work with what’s already developing rather than expanding at this time. The sun continues to spotlight your 11th house of friendship groups. During this cycle, you’ll be planting new seeds for the future and dreaming up new plans. You become more aware of networking and you could be working in a team situation, by the second half of the month. From the 23rd the Sun travels through your 12th house, marking a time of retreat and regeneration. Think about the attachments you have to things - people and routines, and consider which ones are dragging you down. Your ego is on a bit of a break now. It’s time to reflect and recharge your batteries.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
October highlights your life direction, reputation, status and career Capricorn. The Sun, Mercury and the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd, call your attention to broaden your goals and ambitions. After the Eclipse on the 2nd, you have renewed faith and energies in your goals, and events happening in the surrounding weeks prompts a new approach to your career, business plans or life path. A significant shift can occur with your work, reputation, or leadership roles with management. Eclipse’s can temporarily obscure the complete picture. It’s best to feel things out and reflect before significant new beginnings. Whilst it’s not the right time to make big decisions along these lines, it’s important to understand your goals and redefine your expectations to match. The spotlight on your 10th house gives you a chance to shine as a responsible and capable person. You might receive acknowledgment or praise for your good work. Avoid the pitfuls of pride or arrogants, as these may stand in the way of your success, and undo all your good work. Others may not respond in a positive way either, and you could also alienate those in authority.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
The Sun shines it’s light in your Solar ninth house of long distace travel, expansion, philosophical thinking and the higher mind. It’s an excellent time for looking at your life from a different perpsective. You may feel more restless than usual, if you don’t finds ways to explore. From the 23rd, the Sun hightlights your 10th house of career and reputation. This is a good time to focus on accomplishing something really important. Your time to shine! Your vision is practical, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. The Eclipse on the 2nd marks a new beninning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary in order to move forward. This Eclipse falls in your 9th house and suggests a new approach to the way you expand your horizons. New travel plans, education goals, or adventure are formed in the coming months. A sense of renewal and reinvigoration, with regards to your ability to expand your personal world is a strong potential. This is a phase where you’ll be busy initiating new projects or activities that expand your mind and Spirit for adventure, that takes you away from mundane routines.
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
October vibes bring in wonderful opportunities for looking within and enjoying absorbing activities. The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd triggers your desire to start a fresh. But it’s better to use these energies to take charge and plan new strategies, saving this significant change until at least a couple of weeks later. You might be experiencing feelings of discontent before you turn things around positvely. It’s a time to turn over a new leaf, but take your time with observation, and this new beginning will emerge. Venus transits your house of adventure until the 17th, opening your mind and doors to promotion, publishing, travel, and education. Perhaps a legal outcome leads to more freedom, or an opportunity arises to expore a new adventure. Until the 22nd the sun highlights your 8th house. Your attention turns inwards as well as on close personal realtionships. Personal Power, and intimate matters fulfill you during this cycle. There’s a strong focus on other peoples money, the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking, or loans - as well as Taxes.