February Horoscopes 2025.

 Aries - 21 March to 19 April Venus enters your sign Feb 4th This boosts your confidence and  

  The month ahead puts a spotlight on your social life, friendships, happiness goals, healing, and aspirations, Aries. While your planetary ruler, Mars, remains retrograde until the 23rd, you’re in a good position to make changes and adjustments that will ultimately improve the viability of your goals and projects and the quality of your relationships. You have loads of charm, particularly with associates and networks, and you’ll do well to mingle.

Being in the spotlight or in charge is fine for a time, but we all need a break from too much action, pressure, and decision-making, and February gives you opportunities for that break.

Jupiter ends its retrograde on the 4th. The motivation to pursue personal interests increases, and this will get even better in the next several months. You may return to old or abandoned dreams, studies, and plans with new eyes, enthusiasm, and excitement. Your confidence in your studies or your ability to express yourself increases. You’re more courageous about reaching out to others, or blocks to making connections lift, and this is a time for spontaneous and natural interactions.

Venus in your sign from the 4th forward, boosting your appeal. The changes you make with friends or associates are a step in the right direction with long-term benefits. Solid energy is with you now for dreaming, wishing, and planting seeds for the future. It’s also a good period for personal magnetism.

While your love life has been complicated recently, and others may have even undervalued your worth, you are now strutting your stuff. Incredibly magnetic, the world is appreciating your unique style. A partner could be in your corner. It’s important to note, however, that on March 1st, Venus, still in your sign, will turn retrograde. This could bring about a period of reflection and reassessment of your approach to the world and your relationships.

In the first half of the month, especially, you are in an excellent position to collaborate. This is a powerful time for learning and sharing ideas. There is incredible support from friends or inspired connections in your networks.

The 12th brings a Full Moon and a nice opportunity to follow your heart or finalize a creative project. There can be a revelation about romance, children, or creative ambitions. Epiphanies occurring now are about where to find your joy.

The Sun moves into your privacy sector on the 18th, shortly after Mercury headed there on the 14th, launching a cycle in which you are inclined to review and reflect on recent events, feelings, goals, and endeavors.

Mars turns direct on the 23rd after retrograde motion since December 6th, which can feel a long time coming! At this juncture, you’ll begin to enjoy more clarity about home and family matters. A project might pick up pace, reach a turning point, or resume now. Because Mars is your planetary ruler, it’s personal! Energy levels increase.

Recent complications, confusion, or coolness in the family, home, and with personal initiatives begin to clear. While family life remains busy, it’s a straightforward kind of “busy” that you can handle. When problems exist, it’s far easier to deal with them when you know exactly what they are than it is when you can’t pinpoint the actual problem. If you need support or help, your warm personality will win the day.

After the New Moon on the 27th, circumstances favor or require a new start with how you do your downtime. You’re looking at mental health, rest, relaxation, and escapism in new ways, and you’re inclined to find highly interesting ways to replenish yourself now. There can be events and realizations that help distance you from self-limiting secrets or situations, which ultimately will give you more freedom

Taurus - 20 April to 20 May

February highlights matters centering around your career, social standing, and life path goals, Taurus. But while you can be quite goal-oriented and interested in performance, there are also lovely opportunities to heal, connect, and enjoy yourself. Some of these can happen through work or business dealings, and certainly, you are in good shape in terms of professional dealings now, but as the month advances, it’s more about friendships, networks, and group settings.

From the 4th forward, money matters improve, and they’re set to take off further in the months ahead as Jupiter is no longer retrograde in your resources sector. Alternatively, this transit can be about your assets, including your talents. You might purchase or receive something you’ve always wanted, or you’re especially fond of taking care of or improving prized possessions. You now have good reason for more confidence with money, resources, and talents in the weeks ahead.

There is a bigger focus on career and responsibilities this month, but there’s attention to behind the scenes with Venus steaming up your privacy sector from the 4th onward. You may be working on a project on your own or enjoying privacy in your love life.

Looking at it another way, your ruler, Venus, is apparently moving slowly and is tucked away in your privacy sector most of February, signaling some need to begin slowing down. Take opportunities to rest and relax. Think about new ways to approach your life and pursue your goals. You’re getting closer to a critical period for review and reflection, a time when you should evaluate your past actions and plan for the future (Venus will turn retrograde on March 1st). Take your time when making the bigger decisions.

The Full moon on the 12th can bring a project to completion or a matter related to family and home life to a turning point. A Full Moon reminds you of the need to pay more attention to your domestic world. If you’ve spent too much time on your obligations to the outside world, this is a period for returning things to balance.

Mercury heads into your friendship sector on the 14th, and the Sun follows suit on the 18th, indicating a shift towards more enjoyment of life through connections with others and nurturing long-term dreams and aspirations.

The second half of the month, you’ll be considerably less focused on outer success and more interested in fulfilling goals that relate to your sense of community and personal happiness. Friendships can be in stronger focus now. A New Moon on the 27th brings a new beginning of sorts–or a new approach–to your social life. The need to collaborate with others becomes evident. You might see an association or project in an entirely different light, and this can be disruptive or exciting, or perhaps a bit of both! New visions of your future motivate and inspire you.

Mars turns direct on the 23rd after several weeks of retrograde motion. Pressures ease with less attention paid to what others are saying and doing, as well as fewer complications with transportation, commuting, communications, and education. You remain quite busy, but in a far more straightforward way – in other words, you can make measurable progress instead of focusing mainly on fixing problems before moving ahead. Daily affairs become less muddled and overwhelming, and this frees you up to tend to more worldly goals. Be sure to reconnect and stay in touch with acquaintances and relatives, perhaps making up for lost time.

Gemini - 21 May to 20 June

You seek intellectual stimulation this month Gemini, and are willing to see the big picture rather than focus on little problems. Of course, if you take this too far, you’ll fall behind on practical details, and the Full Moon on the 12th helps you bring back the balance. You can find many reasons to feel encouraged and positive about the direction of your life this month. Positive energy is with you for sharing viewpoints, spending time with others, and learning.

Jupiter ends its retrograde on the 4th, and since it’s in your sign, you’re projecting very wonderful things on a personal level, and attracting good people and circumstances into your life as a result. Benefits come from reaching out and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone with Jupiter in your sign, but ease yourself back into this mind frame. Your ability to take things as they come is helpful, and your positive attitude tends to attract attention. Your confidence and faith build. Certainly, you’ll likely notice a shift in your outlook and mood. In the weeks ahead, you’re increasingly more comfortable and confident that you have the power to make positive changes in your life. This change of direction can refuel you with enthusiasm.

From the 4th, friends can be supportive and might help you out with your practical affairs. Venus graces your networking and socializing with good, warm energy. Partnering up or joining groups can be productive. There can be dating opportunities through friends and groups. You have unique personal appeal and magnetism. Networking and friendships can be rich sources of information, enjoyment, or even inspiration. You can feel passionately about an idea, cause, or belief, and you might bond with others through this excitement. A sense of inner well-being can come from making plans for the future that inspire growth and hope. It’s a fine time to gather strength through your connections, long-term pursuits, and happiness goals.

Still, Venus is moving through the zodiac slowly this month as it nears a retrograde (March 1st is the day Venus will begin its retrograde journey). As such, take things slowly, keeping your options open. It’s not a time to lock things in with these life departments.

The Full Moon on the 12th calls your attention to communications, schooling, means of transportation, mobility, neighbors, or siblings. Take care of your daily affairs so that you can free yourself up to satisfy your yen for adventure. You may be finishing up the details of a major learning endeavor or project.

From the 23rd, you begin to see progress with finances and money-making Schmes. You could experience more emotional bravery, finding it easier to face your feelings and your past, which can be empowering. There can be a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. Enthusiasm is on an upward swing! While you likely benefited from the recent slowing down, you’re now more forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous, especially with money matters, talents, and resources.

The New Moon occurring on the 27th can clear the slate for new beginnings on the level of career, life path, or responsibilities. It can bring a sense of renewal or revival. It’s time for new or realigned goals and different ways of doing business. You could make a meaningful connection that helps you pursue your more worldly goals.

Cancer - 21 June to 22 July

February is a powerful month for learning new things, not only about the world around you but also about your deeper needs, dear Cancer. What and who you value is transforming, and as you get to know yourself better, decisions come more easily.

One of the biggest headlines this month is Mars turning direct on the 23rd after retrograde motion since early December. Because it’s currently in your sign, it feels more personal. You’ve been exploring your motivations and inner desires, and this review process is wrapping up. Ideally, you’ll emerge on the other side of this more empowered and clear.

With Jupiter turns direct on the 4th, you get the first glimps to look ahead. You are in a development stage with Jupiter transiting your privacy sector until June when this confidence-boosting planet will head into your sign. The months ahead are beautiful for the culmination of projects and introspection as you prepare for a more visible and outgoing period. Jupiter’s direct turn improves your outlook and faith that you can put troubling matters behind you. Blocks can lift for projects or initiatives that have stalled.

Venus moves to the top of your solar chart on the 4th, and you’re in a lovely light on professional and public levels. It’s a good time for gaining the support or backing you need to advance your goals or increase personal conviction. It’s an excellent time to enhance or repair relationships, whether in your personal or professional life. You can be motivated to work through problems or do valuable research. This a decent period for getting noticed for your performance in a most positive way.

The Full Moon on the 12th can bring a turning point to a financial matter. Events and circumstances can demand a change in your spending habits and budget. You are receiving a cosmic push to make necessary financial changes. Get organized as much as possible now. If you’ve been underutilizing a particular resource or asset, including a talent, you’ll see this clearly now.

Energy levels increase with Mars turning direct in your sign. You’re not looking back and are excited to make things work. You could feel uncomfortable with matters that have been left hanging and would prefer to wrap things up! New worlds open up to you as you expand your mind.

After the New Moon on the 27th, new approaches to education, home life, publishing, and recreation are in order. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in new directions.

 Leo - 23 July to 22 August

February stirs up your relationships and connections, Leo, and spotlights your need for quality projects and activities. Relationships and negotiations are in focus, and you’re working on making your connections work. Even with some backtracking, you’re sorting things out and bringing more balance to your life.

Partnerships are in sharp focus this month and are particularly supportive and spirited. February is a strong month for socializing, connecting, and enjoying the people in your life.

Jupiter’s direct motion on the 4th contributes to hopefulness about your friendships and long-term plans. Essentially, this shift brings your social life to life! This energy picks up in the months ahead. Connecting brings joy, and there can be a stronger connection with friends or a group. You can successfully combine working towards your own goals and contributing to a team effort.

With Venus in your solar ninth house from the 4th forward, there can be notable people or love interests through travel or studies. You’re in great shape for learning new things and connecting with inspiring ideas and perspectives. While you don’t always have the time to explore or expand your interests, the times you get are high-quality moments. Still, in these areas, take your time and keep your options open since Venus will turn retrograde in this area of your solar chart on March 1st.

The Full Moon on the 12th brings powerful energy for coming into touch with buried feelings, needs, and desires. It activates an urge to change your personal image in a manner that reflects the inner changes that have been in the works. Your emotions are on your sleeve! This Full Moon in your sign awakens you to your true feelings on a matter. With this new awareness guiding you, it’s a good time to make adjustments and improvements.

As the month advances and your solar eighth house becomes more prominent, you readily attract support, and you can be more involved with others’ resources and talents. Mercury moves into this area of your chart on the 14th, and the Sun arrives here on the 18th. You’re digging deeper and looking within yourself or to a significant other for sustenance. Joint ventures can thrive now.

From the 23rd forward, once Mars has turned direct, you are less inclined to hold onto resentments, and while further inner work is necessary, it’s clearer what precisely that is now! Mars will continue to stay in the background, directing your attention behind the scenes, for a while longer, but when Mars does re-enter your sign on April 18th, you’ll be raring to go.

The New Moon on the 27th can force a financial or support issue. It’s a prompt to get a handle on shared resources, deal with complex dependencies, and grow an intimate relationship. Your focus on the hidden, deeper elements of your life strengthens. Look for opportunities to rid yourself of limiting attitudes or rework your attitudes toward life in empowering ways. You have insight into which aspects of yourself that need transforming. You can be determined to sort out feelings of indebtedness. You may even start, restart, or revitalize an intimate relationship.

Rip the Band-Aid off, Leo. A Full Moon on the 13th demands you finally quit that ex, lame job or toxic mindset. Yes, it'll sting—but you'll heal faster without dead weight. By the 29th, the New Moon has you craving deep connections. Whether it's love or a killer collab, go all in. Slide into DMs, send bold emails or just ask for what you want. Life's too short for half-measures. Commit with Leo confidence. What gets signed or agreed at this time has “long term” written all over it.

Love & Romance
Until February 4, Venus adds a whole new level of warmth and comfort to deep sharing and intimacy. This is private-party energy, so keep the romance (and drama) behind closed doors. The Full Moon on the 13th pushes you to drop dead weight—exes, toxic vibes, whatever hampers your passionate progress. The New Moon on the 29th dares you to go deeper than what has been comfortable recently. Whatever you agree or commit to has major staying power!

Virgo - August 23 to September 22nd

February spotlights your work, health, partnership, research, and intimate relationships,Virgo. You are sharper, more directed, and more focused than usual. Any suspicions people have that you may be a workaholic will probably be confirmed this month! You are making a serious dent in your “to-do” list. In truth, not everything is moving along smoothly, but you can often find yourself happily busy and productive regardless, and it suits you.

On a personal level as well’ you mean business! Fortunately, you have plenty of cosmic support for your efforts as long as you pay attention to the message of the Full Moon on the 12th – you need to make time for spiritual and emotional renewal as well.

Especially with Jupiter’s direct turn on the 4th, you enjoy more optimism about your career or general life direction. Meaningful work is a real possibility now and in the coming months. You are easing back into a power period for work, recognition, and promotion that continues until June. Professional and reputation matters gain clarity, slowly but surely. Although it can take time to get back on track, you will likely see subtle improvements in these areas. The motivation to pursue a particular course or path, possibly a business venture, is building.

Also from the 4th, Venus in your solar eighth house warms your private world. While acquaintances could find you withdrawn or aloof, charisma in love matters runs high. Something previously hidden, such as an untapped resource, can reveal itself to you now, and this comes into your life as a personal gain.

Venus moving through your intimacy sector is fruitful for building up your inner world or an intimate relationship and, most importantly, your relationship with yourself. You might thoroughly enjoy delving into a challenging project or exploring your own psychology this month.

You might learn something new about a health or work issue that energizes and motivates you. Getting organized, improving health, increasing efficiency, and harmonizing with others are strong themes. It’s a good month for solving problems, reorganizing, and attending to the practical details of your daily existence.

The Full Moon on the 12th is good for reaching a turning point. For some, this is about realizing the need to feed your spirit. You may need to take some time for yourself so that you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self-care programs.

From the 18th, you begin a more relationship-focused period of the year. From the 14th your ruler Mercury moves into your opposite sign of Pisces.

You can enjoy increased courage and spontaneity, particularly on mental and social levels. A spot of restlessness can lead to interesting experiences and new ideas or discoveries. There’s a willingness to learn from others and encourage them to express themselves.

Friendships and intimacy begin to strcnaighten out from the 23rd after a period of some confusion about boundaries or emotional complications. You’re learning who is truly in your corner, and your own desires and affections become clearer. Your social circle is considerably warmer towards you now.

The New Moon on the 27th can clear a path for new beginnings in a relationship, although some reflection is in order before outward progress is realized with an upcoming retrograde of Venus (Venus will turn retrograde on March 1st). The desire or need to cooperate and merge with others is strong right now. Relationship needs are awakened.

the Full Moon on the 13th lights up your social scene and group involvements. So, stop lurking and start leading! Post that TikTok, speak your truth, and watch your inbox blow up. But it's not just about you—use your mic for a cause. Then, on the 29th, the New Moon tells you to clean up your act, literally. Healthy smoothies, gym selfies, the works. It's prime time for a glow-up. Start small, but stay consistent. By August, you'll be the envy of doubters or haters.

Love & Romance
Until February 4, Venus wants to work magic with one-to-one connections. Got someone on your radar? You and they could get closer. Delete situationships or passionate dead ends clogging up your emotional hard drive; there's no space for real love with so many "maybes." The Full Moon on the 13th is your cue to tell someone what's really on your mind. By the New Moon on the 29th, glow-up season commences. Health kick? New look? Start now and stun everyone by August!

Libra - 23 September to 22 October

 February puts a spotlight on your personal relationships and self-expression, Libra. The best version of yourself shines through in your love connections, creative output, and business partnerships. This can also be a time for a positive buzz surrounding your creative projects or ideas, which are catching on well. You may find new or renewed ways to express your playful side or to reduce stress through pleasure.

Jupiter turns direct on the 4th, and you can feel you’re turning a corner with your outlook. Mars also ends its retrograde phase on the 23rd.

Venus transits your partnership sector from the 4th for a more extended than usual stay, stimulating special attention to one-to-one reretrograde lationships. Note that the reason for the longer visit is due to an upcoming retrograde cycle (your ruler, Venus, will turn retrograde on March 1st). You might enjoy opportunities to advance or grow through your relationships, friendships, studies, or interests. You’re gaining a new perspective through others.

You continue to discover — and rediscover — all the things that bring joy to your life this month.

While there is a strong focus on play and entertainment, by the Full Moon on the 12th, any responsibilities to friends or groups that you may have neglected will make themselves known. Finding a balance by dividing your time more evenly is important now. A friend may need your assistance, or you may reach out to others for help. You’re having a great time doing your own thing, but sometimes, extra support can help you do even better.

The Sun heads into your solar sixth house on the 18th, and your daily routines, work, health, and habits come into stronger focus. This is a time for investing more time and energy into your work and fitness or nutritional programs. In truth, Mercury moved into this sector on the 14th, and the second half of February is more work and task-focused. You want to get your life into better shape.

From the 23rd, recent complications, both in your professional and personal lives, are likely to decrease. Your career picks up pace, and it becomes easier to get straight answers from bosses and co-workers. While responsibilities and work continue to keep you on your toes, there is a stronger focus on moving forward now and less on straightening out problems. Where there was emotional distance or coolness in business recently, there is now more warmth and directness.

With Mars turning direct in your career sector, there can be a pleasant turnaround regarding confidence in your future, goals, business, career, and practical affairs. Where you’re heading or where you want to go becomes clearer.

The New Moon on the 27th prompts a need for more satisfaction from your work. A new beginning or approach to your daily routines or pursuit of health and wellness is in the cards. It can pump you up to make important changes to your everyday tasks. New directions are likely. This is a time for doing work, health, duties, and self-care in brand-new ways.

Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November

February’s themes center around security, comfort, and home life, Scorpio, but as the month advances, expressing yourself, leisure time, play, and romance can come into stronger focus. You can take much pleasure in attending to home and family matters, lending a hand to others and organizing your home and workspace.

Venus moves into your work and health sector on the 4th, encouraging you to find more joy in your routines. Self-care becomes an exciting pastime, and work is more interesting. It’s not the most productive of transits, but it’s a pleasant one! There can be times when you’re mixing too much work/duties with other life departments. Ideally, you find a good balance. There can also be beautiful opportunities through work, duties, or routines. Focus now on eliminating, streamlining, and downsizing, as this will give you an organized and confident feeling. Consider that Venus will turn retrograde on March 1st, which could bring about delays or revisiting of past issues in these matters. As such, aim to keep your options open in these areas.

With Jupiter’s direct turn on the 4th, you’ll gradually see improvements or forward motion with your intimate life or finances. You feel more confident about dealing with tricky emotions and complicated problems. Leaving a bad habit behind feels right. If you’ve been procrastinating on settling your finances, you’re now ready to take them on. The give-and-take in a relationship improves, or there is more clarity about your feelings and a partner’s involvement.

The Full Moon on the 12th calls upon you to find a better balance between your strong attention to your personal life and your attention to your responsibilities, career, long-term goals, or the outside world. A sudden awareness of your duties and responsibilities can push you to take action. While you are taking more downtime than usual these days, events occurring now give you a cosmic nudge to handle professional matters or review and adjust your career goals. There can be a sudden push into the spotlight or the need to perform and take the lead, which could present you with new opportunities or challenges that require your attention.

From mid-month, a more playful, creative, and romantic cycle emerges, and over the following weeks, you’ll be finding ways to have a little more fun. Heartfelt activities are in focus now. You feel ready to share yourself, your feelings, and your ideas with others.

From the 23rd forward, the pressure eases as people respond more warmly to your ideas and opinions, and transportation or commuting problems you experienced in recent months are ironed out. Travel, educational, and legal matters can come together nicely. Relationships with in-laws, neighbors, and siblings also round out nicely.

The New Moon on the 27th asks you to pay more attention to finding outlets for creative release and pleasure. It’s a good time for relating, creating, and enjoying yourself in the process. Making more time for recreation and personal enjoyment is important now. You gravitate to exploring new hobbies and forms of entertainment. This New Moon pushes the matter if you haven’t taken the time to explore and share your talents. Romance might emerge in the weeks ahead, although a Venus retrograde cycle beginning on March 1st can delay this or stimulate a focus on past love affairs in the interim. This period is a great opportunity to focus on your personal growth and enjoyment, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December

February puts a positive spotlight on learning, sharing, and creating, Sagittarius, and you might look forward to a particularly playful and educational month. You enjoy others’ company more than usual in February, particularly in the first half. The month brings opportunities to enjoy entertainment, art, hobbies, and romance. Your charm is natural. You benefit from word of mouth more than usual. There can be new ideas and plans that gain support and momentum.

This is a busy, connected time for you, and you’re likely to be doing some juggling. With Mars retrograde until the 23rd, managing your time and establishing priorities is especially important.

Jupiter’s direct turn in your partnership sector on the 4th is another breath of fresh air, putting you in a better position to see the benefits of partnering in the future. Or, there could be more helpful, happy, or pleasing people coming (or coming back) into your life. You can find much joy in feeling part of a partnership or close friendship. Plus, Jupiter is your planetary ruler, and ending its retrograde cycle helps your frame of mind.

Early in the month, on the 4th, Venus moves into your sector of joy, helping you out personally. In this position of harmony with your sign, Venus boosts your appeal and charm.

You’re sure to enjoy pleasant conversations, happy news, and personal interests this month, but information overload can be a problem in spots. The Full Moon on the 12th can pull up your need for more from life if you’ve been too caught up in daily routines. There can be deadlines to meet, announcements to make, and possibly an educational or publishing goal reached. This Full moon awakens you to a need for more spirited activities and interests. It’s a gentle nudge toward rounding your life out with pursuits that feed your spirit. Even with tensions around you, it’s important to find the chance to release pressure and stress.

With Mercury moving into your home and family sector on the 14th and the Sun on the 18th, you begin to need less mental stimulation and more time to rest.

Financial complexities begin to unravel this month after the 23rd. Dealings with a partner and with financial institutions become more straightforward after a feeling of treading water. Even so, it’s not yet the time for quick settlements or bold moves. Be patient and take things one step at a time. While Mars was retrograde in recent months, you may have explored frustrations and deeply buried matters. Ideally, you’ve found better tools for managing your life on an emotional level. Retrogrades are about taking a second look at things, and this can be an opportunity or a blessing in disguise. From the 23rd forward, you’re clearer about what you want, and you don’t feel quite so tortured by (or tied to) your past!

The New Moon on the 27th can bring new schedules and long-term projects. Changes that benefit both family and home life and your career can be on the horizon. It’s time for a fresh approach or changes in living conditions, life at home or with family, and regarding getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. Attention to your needs for familiarity is beneficial now, and events happening at this time remind you of their importance.


Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January

February puts the spotlight on your financial status and comfort levels, Capricorn, with an emphasis on your resources sector. There’s also increasing attention to learning, communicating, and connecting as the month advances. It’s a busy month overall, but Mars is retrograde until the 23rd, and life isn’t always quick or straightforward. Fortunately, you have much support for productivity and enjoyment. The month ahead is excellent for mental acuity regarding practical and financial matters and sorting out your personal life.

Jupiter turns direct on the 4th after retrograde motion since October bringing life into new projects or studies

Venus spends most of the month (from the 4th onward) encouraging you to bring more warmth, harmony, and beauty to your home and family life. It can be a fine time to make more from what you already have, and you can feel quite accomplished as a result. You’re discovering your talents, resources, or skills this month, and as you feel more natural about them, opportunities seem to pop up for you. You’re also well-positioned to understand your needs more fully. The focus could be on beautifying your surroundings and bringing harmony to family relationships. Because Venus will soon turn retrograde in this area of your solar chart (on March 1st), it’s best to keep things a little open for now given that review and reassessment may come into play later.

The Full Moon on the 12th, you’ll be looking for ways to manage debts, both emotional and material, more effectively. Joint ventures may figure strongly now. Matters of intimacy, sharing, power, and finances can come to a head or turning point. An epiphany about your feelings or final word on a financial matter can emerge.

Mars moves retrograde in opposition to your sign until the 23rd, when it turns direct. Dealing with others in a straightforward manner may have been challenging, but now, problems can be dealt with more directly. While support for your personal undertakings hasn’t been very forthcoming recently, from the 23rd forward, partnership dynamics smooth over, and your confidence improves. You feel that you can truly begin to move forward.

The New Moon on the 27th puts a big spotlight on matters of enterprise, initiative, communications, and learning. You might discover new and possibly improved avenues for expressing yourself.


Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February

February is robust for personal new beginnings and convictions, Aquarius. If you’ve neglected your own needs, this is a time to pursue them and renew goals that you’ve left on a shelf. People are paying attention. Still, with Mars retrograde until the 23rd and Venus set to retrograde at the beginning of next month, big launches and decisions are not ideal.

The month also brings special attention to finances and comfort levels. Advice about money or business can be valuable. Aim to be an informed listener! Even so, the month begins with the Sun and Mercury visiting your sign, and you’ll want to express yourself. These positions favor communications, learning, short trips, communications equipment, and transportation. What you want or to further your interests. Expressing yourself through a hobby or creative pastime can figure strongly.

Your love life can be particularly active with the lines of communication opening up wide from the 4th onward. You’re also attracting people and opportunities to you through your ideas, wit, and intelligence this month.

The month puts a strong focus on your personality, and attention is coming your way. Mars remains retrograde until the 23rd, however, making it less than ideal for pushing all-new projects ahead, but this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the energy boost provided by the Sun in your sign until the 18th and Mercury until the 14th. These positions also boost your ability and desire to talk things out and take the lead.

Jupiter ends its retrograde cycle in your creativity sector on the 4th, helping creative blocks lift. More clarity or enthusiasm may come to your love life, pursuit of joy, leisure time, or creative projects in the months ahead. Faith and optimism increase!

Venus transits your communications sector from the 4th onward, enhancing your communications. Your words can get you closer to others, at least in spirit. Collaboration can be wonderful, and some might enjoy sharing or publishing a piece of work, joining a group or workshop, furthering a cause, or communicating with a new friend. It’s important to note, however, that Venus will turn retrograde on March 1st, and some of your pursuits will go on hold later.

It’s your birthday season, which is often a time for grabbing opportunities. This year, your ambitions are building, but there’s some slowness to acknowledge. This ‘slowness’ is a reminder to pace yourself and not rush into things. It’s a time to reflect on your goals and make thoughtful decisions, rather than acting impulsively.

Relationship epiphanies occur around the Full Moon on the 12th. You become especially aware of your relationship needs, and your true feelings emerge now, guiding you to make changes.

Money, business, talents, and resources come into stronger focus in the last ten days of the month. Mars turning direct on the 23rd points to slow but sure progress in partnerships and with work and health endeavors in the coming weeks. In fact, the months ahead are excellent for second chances in these areas. Work complications tend to iron out as you move forward. You may feel inspired to work a little harder for the things you love or focus more on health and wellness pursuits with added confidence and motivation.

The New Moon on the 27th can encourage a new approach to business or finances. It’s a good period for showing the world your unique qualities and talents. Others can be especially intrigued by your abilities or the services you offer. You can feel inspired to innovate with money and better use your resources. Whether stretching what you already have or using new things to make yourself more comfortable, the weeks ahead of this

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Pisces - 19 February to March 20

The month ahead requires further rest and reflection, Pisces, but your confidence is building. It’s not an ideal time for pushing projects ahead, but it’s strong for processing and digesting recent experiences and, ultimately, getting a better sense of your needs and desires. In the first few weeks of February, although you are not moving forward quickly in many other life departments, events behind the scenes are at play, conspiring to get you back into high gear. In fact, you’ll have plenty of opportunities this month to boost your spirits and emotional health through healing activities, rest, and loving or supportive relationships.

Jupiter’s direct turn on the 4th after almost four months of retrograde motion increases your enthusiasm and joy. This shift is perhaps most evident in your emotions, home life, and personal world, but it impacts many different life departments. You look forward to gradual improvements to family life or your domestic world. It can be a time of increased happiness, warmth, comfort, and support. Home improvement projects can resume or pick up pace, and relationships with family may strengthen.

Venus spends time in your resources sector from the 4th onward, which is good news for improving your comfort levels. You might receive gifts or treat yourself a little more often during this somewhat indulgent cycle. At the same time, you can find more joy in the things you already have in place, and it can be pretty magical. Look for creative ways to develop talents and build your resources.

People are drawn to you, finding you intriguing. You can be persuasive in a gentle way, so be careful how you handle this quiet power! You could guide someone in the right direction by sharing helpful information or advice.

The Full Moon on the 12th brings significant realizations about health, wellness, work, and routines, prompting you to make meaningful changes or new plans and strategies. Any discomfort felt now can be highly motivating. You may need to put some of your bigger dreams on hold as you attend to practical affairs, but try not to lose your faith in the process.

There’s a special focus on your initiative, presentation, calling, and attitude in the second half of the month. Mercury moves into your sign on the 14th, and then the Sun arrives on the 18th, launching a more visible, personally powerful period of the year for you. You see tangible Progress as Mars ends its retrograde on the 23rd. This begins a power period for pleasure, personal magnetism, and self-confidence, with a New Moon adding extra punch to your presentation.

There can be extra courage to express your feelings or opinions, and new ideas may inspire new projects.

The New Moon on the 27th is in your sign, and all about you! You’re filling with innovative ideas and approaches, and you’re also “doing you” a little differently this year as the North Node is in your sign this year, and you’re ready to change things up, reinventing yourself in some ways. This New Moon signals the need for special attention to your personal plans.






March Horoscopes 2025. Pisces Season.


January Horoscopes 2025.