Horoscopes May 2023
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
The full moon solar eclipse in Scorpio goes down on May 5 in your eighth house of metamorphosis. It will likely reveal, the ways in which you’ve changed, the roles you’re ready to leave behind, and the refined self-definition you’re ready to show to the world. On the 7th, Venus joins Mars in Cancer in your fourth house of home and nourishment. As your position and grounding shifts this summer, you’ll find solidity in your surroundings, and the physical and mental structures which support you. Beautify your home furnishings and invest in any rituals or processes which help you heal. This is a major transition moment, which calls for deep rooting.
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
You won’t live through a month like this again for a long time. There are too many Taurean awakenings to mention in one horoscope, but let’s do our best (May 1); full-moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio (May 5); sun-Uranus conjunction (May 9); the end of Mercury retrograde (May 14); Jupiter entering Taurus (May 16); and a new moon in Taurus (May 19). This is exciting, explosive astrology, meant to liberate and awaken, which can be stimulating one moment and totally draining the next. This is absolutely the time to make dreams come true, to go too big to fail, and to leave nothing behind. But you knew that already. Your real work is to take care of yourself between cycles, to ensure that you feel fortified for the next rebirth, and the next. By June, you’ll be reborn and unstoppable. Until then, keep yourself nourished.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
Your global career reboot continues. On May 7, Venus joins Mars in Cancer in your second house of earning and self-worth, helping you sell yourself to the world — and believe you’re worth it. The arrival of Gemini season on the 21st gets you to a different event every night, at which you can see and be seen. To enjoy this blast of energy to the fullest, take this current Mercury retrograde in Taurus (until the 14th), in your twelfth house of the unseen, unprocessed, and unrefined to clear out space. Which old projects, baggage, and expectations can you close? What do you want to release, and what do you want to pursue? Spend the first half of the month unloading, so that you can fly with freedom come Gemini season.
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
You’re stronger than you think. This month’s Taurus energies sets off your eleventh house of tribe and belonging, initiating questions of your own place in the big picture. What is the value of your work? Who is your audience? Will anyone ever get you? Whatever’s going on in your social life, you have to be able to lean on yourself. On May 7, Venus joins Mars in your home-sign, infusing you with double the willpower, and wholeness to make it through any battles. Trust that you know what you want, that your instincts are correct, and that your desires shouldn’t be questioned. What do you want out of all this excitement? Make yourself the source, the driver, the protagonist. Trust in your calling.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
On May 2, Athena, goddess of military strategy — enters your home sign, followed by the warrior god Mars, on the 20th. Meanwhile, a particularly explosive Taurus season lights up your tenth house of career like a Christmas tree. This will be a definitive month of proving your power as a leader — and accepting the consequences. As you step into yourself like never before, you will inevitably experience conflict, bruised feelings, and conversations about what needs to change. Take responsibility for your obstinacy, and self-entitlement, but don’t compromise your pace for any reason. This is no brief turn in the spotlight, but a permanent shift. Learn how to handle the friction. You’re not losing your crown any time soon.
Virgo - 23 August to 22 September
The Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle has lit up your third house of daily life, and your ninth house of expanding horizons. The central question: How does life as you know it differ from the life you desire? The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 reveals those routines, relationships, and rigidities of lifestyle which feel stagnated, dead, and in need of reinvention. Before Gemini season lights up your tenth house of career on May 21st, decide where you’d like to arrive, and how you want to get there. The way to add the worlds power to your own - is in the details.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October
The Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse on May 5 in your second house of self-confidence and financial worth. Let it burn down old narratives of underearning and undervaluing yourself. We need you feeling confident — or at least looking like you are — because two days later, Venus joins Mars in Cancer in your tenth house of career. You’re starting the summer at peak power, ready to embrace a new public role, and receive the sort of attention that used to make you cringe. Focus on embodying your values on the and believing that you deserve to be there. The growth isn’t slowing down anytime soon.
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
The May 5 Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse reveals how far you’ve come, how much you’ve let go of, and what elements remain. Embrace rebirth, but don’t dwell too long. The first three weeks of the month blast open portals in Taurus in your seventh house of public - open enemies and others. Now’s the time to take risks with relationships. Take your new friend group new collaborative project, or book a holiday with your lover. On the 20th, Mars enters Leo, in your tenth house of career, fuelling a powerful journey to honour. Your relationships are the vehicle to that arrival. Invest in the ones which will take you far.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
The planetary blast in Taurus, in your sixth house of work and service, helps you set terms for your relationships. In love and work, how much of yourself can you offer, and what do your limits look like? Spend the first two weeks of May setting new boundaries. On the 21st, Gemini season lights up your seventh house of others, paying off all the work you’ve put into your relationships. Root yourself in your integrity and beliefs, so that you never feel compromised in the great romances and adventures to come. Nobody can take your self-belief and convictions away from you this month.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
Last month, you were advised to root down and make your home a cosy nest for love to come. Now, you get to open the tent and have a good time. On May 7, Venus joins Mars in Cancer in your seventh house of others. Meanwhile, the planetary blast in Taurus lights up your fifth house of pleasure, romance, and creative experiences. You plunge into this and really invest in yourself. Now that you’re rooted, you deserve to enjoy the payoff. Don’t worry too much about big commitments or long-term consequences. Right now, your best bet is welcoming in new lovers and embracing the expansion.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
The time of new beginnings is now Aquarius. A cluster of planetary activation goes off in Taurus in your fourth house of home, roots, and family. Your old slippers have long drifted into the past. Whether you’re moving into a new home, starting a phase of inner exploration, or changing your lifestyle, now’s the time for bravery, optimism, and curiosity. No looking back, no comparing who you are now to who you were then. On May 20, Mars enters Leo in your seventh house of others, propelling you to take the unpalatable, meet new faces, and command how you’d like to be seen. These new friends and lovers don’t know or care about your old baggage, so why should you?
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
As Venus and the sun pass through Gemini, they shine light and beauty upon your fourth house of home and foundations. They also square, or challenge, Saturn and Neptune, in your home sign. If you haven’t invested in hardcore spring cleaning yet, this May’s retrograde season is the exact right time. Does your home reflect the ways you’ve changed? Does it feel claustrophobic or expansive? We know that Saturn in Pisces will reboot your identity from the ground up, so there’s no need to declare a new style just yet. Instead, cultivate peaceful balance. Clear out the junk of the past and let yourself breathe. It’s a new era! Give yourself some room to discover the new you.