Knight of Pentacles

Type Minor arcana

Meaning Slow, steady progress

Star sign Virgo

Consolidating your plans and making moves to cement goals and prepared to put in the hard work to achieve goals. Travel on land.

Characteristics - Serious, planning, persistent, reliable. Quite often a person who works with his hands a Tradesman etc. He likes to plan and stick to his plans, working tirelessly toward his goal. Money and material things come first with him. Responsible, hardworking, independent. He would prefer to have his own business as he detests being told what to do by other people. Always prepared to put in hard work necessary to achieve a goal. Loves home life, stability and predictability and will endure a very difficult situation rather than change. He is sometimes seen by other people as a plodder. A good provider, hides his emotions but has a soft centre. Conservative in tastes and careful with his reputation. If he is hindered in his progress towards his goal he will temporarily be upset but will get back on his horse and keep going to achieve the goal.