September Tarotscopes 2024.
We are in Virgo season and the strength card is the card relating to our courage passion and inner confidence. September is all about maintaining your strength and backing away from conflict. You are fuelled by inner Strength - personal power and determination. There is a flip side to this card and this is where the challenge lies. Feelings of anger, rage, and sadness may arise out of the blue. It’s what you do with these emotions that makes all the difference. The key here is Tame these raw but real emotions and stand in your personal power rather than letting it dictate a reaction.
On the plus side strength gives you great persistence and stamina. Your energy levels will soar and if you’ve felt low recently, then strength promises a boost in confidence and wellbeing.
The Knight of Cups
There’s a distinct feeling that you want to put out a different energy this month Taurus, and the knight of Cups is here to encourage you to bring out your creative side. You’re often seen as grounded and practical - however lately you’ve felt a need to explore some new and creative hobbies. You’ll be led mostly by your heart and want to see peace for everyone around you. When it comes to making decisions you may vacillate. Trust your intuition if this is the case. Others may see you as a little dreamy this month
if you’re looking for new friendships or Love, then this knight makes an appearance as a charming figure who is kind caring and in touch with his feelings and emotions, but might be a bit of a commitment phobic at the same time.
The Chariot
This is the card of willpower, determination and strength. When this card appears, you make decisions confidently and in alignment with your values. There is no sitting around this month Gemini, it’s all about movement and taking forward action. You might feel that you’re being pulled in all directions though, which may feel challenging at times but the key to finding the right lane is to know that you are in the driving seat and ultimately you make the final call. Your courage Powers you forward and others see you as a force to be reckoned with. Travel is also indicated, maybe a road trip to somewhere that you’ve never been before or perhaps a house move is in the making.
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is the card of fated events. The universe has heard your call, so get ready to jump onto the wheel for the ride of your life. The Wheel of fortune is an opportunistic card, and offers you the chance to make changes through fated events or chance meetings. If you have planned to make some changes, then this is the time to do it. We don’t always have these energies to work with so the key here is to feel the rumbles of opportunity around you and when they show up it’s your time to take advantage. There is an element of luck around you too Cancer and if you are looking to take a risk then it’s a risk worth taking. You might experience highs and lows but that’s the nature of the wheel. An exciting month ahead.. Potentially.
The Lovers
Choices in relationships Leo?
You may have found your soul mate or about to. Or if you’re looking for a life partner then you are heading in the right direction to make this connection. The Lovers typically points to love connections, but it can also represent deep and meaningful friendships. This is all about open communication. You need to be raw and honest with your Lover ( if this is the case) even if you’re feeling Vulnerable. It’s time to be crystal clear about your feelings and values and figuring out what you both stand for together. At the heart of this is a choice; The choice is who you want to be in this life time and how you connect with others and on what level. Opposites do attract and maybe this is the dilemma? The key is finding the right component, to create something that’s whole. Unity, honesty, and clarity are key this month Leo.
The Moon
Your intuition is strong this month Virgo so trust it like it’s your best friend. You’ll be on your guard to a certain degree, as you’ll find it hard to make out what is real and what isn’t. It’s because the Moon is the card connected to our fears and illusions. You may have vivid dreams during this cycle however these dreams are your guide. Keep a journal of them and write them down as soon as you wake up. Avoid making quick decisions as all is not what it seems. You may only have half the information you need, so bide your time until the mist clears. The positive side to the moon is your connection to the divine feminine. Pay close attention to the next full Moon cycle and use these Magical energies to uncover and connect to your divine wisdom, and your deep feminine intuition.
The Fool
New beginnings and opportunity are a potential this month for you Libra. You undertake a new journey literally. The time is Now to take a leap of faith into the unknown. You may not feel totally ready or equipped to deal with what is coming next, but you have an inner knowing that all will turn out to be just as it’s supposed to be. Stepping into the unknown - you acknowledge that there is fear in doing so but you are going to do it anyway - trusting that the universe will catch you if you fall. Take that chance and see what happens. Adventure awaits - taking you away from the mundane and into a cycle of interesting albeit different circumstances. Your need to feel weightless and free outweighs your fear of uncertainty. You might come across to others like you just don’t care and you probably don’t; You’re more interested in starting a new expedition.
The Three of Cups
Time to celebrate and honour your friendships Scorpio. Coming together with your support net work lifts you up and strengthens your camaraderie. You are reminded that it is okay to be supported, and this card is a wonderful reminder of how much you are loved. You’ll be busier than usual organising get- togethers with your closest friends. It’s a sociable time - so get ready to have a full diary of parties, social invites or maybe go on an impromptu holiday! There is so much positive energy around you this month and you also have a chance to widen your circle of friends too.
Collaborations with woman in particular are strong. You’ll inspire each other whilst sharing your common goals.
The Nine of pentacles
Your personal dreams are what matters most this month Sag. But what is it that you truly want? Security, freedom, travel, success a peaceful life? Well - you do actually have this all within in your reach. To fully connect with this, you need to sit down and take a look at the life you’ve created for yourself and see how far you’ve come, and how self-reliant you are. If you’re a single Archer, then maybe you’re looking to share your life with someone special? Either way this month you are feeling fabulous, as your authenticity shines through more than ever!
If you’re looking to improve your health, take on a new fitness regime, or tweak your diet, then this is the month to do it.
The Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords is probably one of the most Challenging cards in the Tarot. It’s the card of deception, back stabbing and plain Nastiness! This month you will find out who you can trust and who you can’t. This may manifest in a way you couldn’t have imagined. Maybe a work colleague betrays your trust, or you’ve been a victim of some deception with a friend or family members. Perhaps you find out that your husband or partner betrayed you in some way and you are struggling to accept what’s happened.?
The only consolation is that at the, 10 it’s out and you know the truth. so now it’s up to you what you do next. Take some time to heal and decide what you need to do (if anything) before taking any action. Also remember that the person or people involved, have their karma to deal with, and more often than not these energies are projected and not for you to take on. A clean slate will follow.
The High Priestess
You are super intuitive this month Aquarius and you must trust your intuition, as this will provide you with some useful information. Your Psychic insights are strongly developing and will be a great help on your current path to higher states of consciousness… If You’re looking to enrol on a course to develop your Psychic abilities, then this is the time to do so. Maybe you’re interested in learning the Tarot for Psychic Development, or perhaps you’re looking to go on a retreat. You know, that enhancing your own intuition signals that your sacred feminine needs your attention. Feel rather than think, is the message. The clues are subtle, so you neet to still your mind to feel and hear them. Collaborate rather than compete. Trust your divine feminine energy even if the masculine energy around you may feel stronger. You’ll grow to understand the differences.
The Two of Cups
When the Two of Cups card appears you may enter a new partnership, perhaps with a lover, friend or business partner. You are both focused on creating a relationship that is mutually beneficial, one that will create a win-win situation for both parties. You see ‘eye to eye’ and appreciate what each other can bring to the table.
In a romantic relationship, the Two of Cups shows a blossoming new union based on mutual attraction. There is both a physical and soul connection that leaves you giddy and weak at the knees. You bring out the best in each other and lift each other to even higher levels of potential. The exchange of emotion is heartfelt, and you are both willing to do whatever it takes to support one another.