Three Card Tarot Combo

Card 1) The World..

You're ready to step into a brand new and exciting Cycle! The world comes up when we are fully connected and engaged with the outer and inner workings of ourselves & the universe.
You may have completed an important project,or about to start one.You could be working at a fabulous new company,or perhaps you're ready to expand your horizons...Keep going,and don't rest on your laurels,the world literally can be your Oyster now..
Can also indicate an exciting trip for work pleasure or both...Give your self a big Pat on the back,you're glowing with a sense of Wholeness and achievement. Everything is about to become full circle..Be ready!

Card 2) The Emperor ..

The Emperor is the male counterpart of the Empress in the Tarot. He can represents the Archetypal Father or The CEO of a company. He holds and wields an awful lot of power..
If this is you,then your time has come to up your game and step into the energies of the Emperor.
Use your Wisdom and expertise to guide and help others. Now is the time to launch big, if you haven't already. If you're working for a company and looking for promotion , then the answer is likely to be YES!
Use your power wisley though, as they'll be many people looking up to you for advise guidance and direction in the not too distant future..

Card 3) The King of Wands.
This king is traditionally a Fire sign ( Aries Leo Sagittarius) but in general he represents an ambitious charismatic Man who's heart is as big as it gets..If you chose this card, you are about to experience a person that steps into your life with nothing but good intentions. No need to go looking - this King gets around and will appear when the time is right. He holds much influence,and connects with the movers & the shackers of this world.
If You are this king,then you're about to see some exciting life changes happen.Your creativity and leadership skills will direct you towards others with the same common goals. Are you ready to step into a visionary,Leadership position - and manifest your vision with the support and respect of like minded people.. Great, it's your time..


The Judgement Card


The Five of Cups