The Judgement Card

The Judgement card is one of the major cards in the Tarot, and when it shows up it carries a very important message.

Since we are in the waning phase of the recent full Moon in Capricorn, also known as ‘The release phase’ the message here is how do we level up our conciousness for the service of our highest good?

In many ways, judgment is about an awakening - realising that we are destined for so much more. It’s our cosmic up-levelling card and we must listen to the Call and be ready to act. When we tune into our higher senses, we’re able to let go of our old self and step into the newest version of who we truly are.

Judgement is saying ‘we’re at a cross roads - and need to make some life changing decisions’. These decisions requires us to use a blend of our intellect and intuition and that we must trust and know that it will lead onto the right path. If there’s any confusion, look back into the past when an important decision was made to help create a clearer picture.

Judgment pops up when we’ve reached a significant stage in our journey - all the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together,to form a unified picture of our lifes story.

Use this important phase to let go and release any wrong doing, regret, guilt, and sadness from the past. This purging process will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on any new challenge.


The Destiny Nodes.


Three Card Tarot Combo