Horoscopes August 2023
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
The Lunar North Node is now in your sign, Aries - this is helping you find your true path! With the the Red planet, Mars, in Virgo all month, you seem focused on figuring something out. Even with so many planets in retrograde, August is a fabulous month to fix anything from your life that needs enhancement, especially when it comes to wellness and daily habits. Your Sixth House. Then, the retrograde of Mercury (August 23-September 15) will boost your energy. If your finances have been fluctuating, Uranus going retrograde should bring you a well-deserved break, from August 28 to mid-January.
This could be an emotional month however - with 2 Full Moons on the 1st and 30th. The 1st is the Sturgeon Moon and the 30th a Super “Blue Moon”
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
Exciting news about a creative or work-related project could be knocking at your door at the August 1 full moon. With your planet, Venus, in retrograde all month, August is a very introspective month for you, Taurus. Give yourself space to figure out how you would like to move forward with your career or a home-related situation. Around the August 16 new moon, the information you seek bubbles up to the surface. And while it might have an intense tone to it, it might bring you clarity. If an ex slides into your orbit during the last week of the month, seek healing and closure but don’t necessarily re-open your heart. Remember they are an ex for a reason.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
Try cultivating patience this month Gemini. With retrograde Saturn being activated in your career sector, it could feel like you’re the only one actually trying to get stuff done. Take the delays you run into as opportunities for growth, especially during the days surrounding August 1 we have a Full Moon and August 27. Remember, the way you communicate is changing, which is why it’s important to think before hitting “send.” Changes at home, with family or, Flat/house mates could begin taking place when Mercury goes retrograde on August 23. However, this is also an opportunity to figure out the changes you should be making here once the Autumn arrives.
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
As the zodiac sign that is more connected to the Moon, you should be scheduling a self-care day August 1 and August 30 Cancer, when we have 2 super moons close together. However, make sure these choices don’t break the bank, as Venus retrograde is requesting you to tighten your spending. While this won’t end until September 3, by the time the sun enters Virgo on August 23, you should have a better idea of where your finances truly stand. On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde in your communication sector, spanning a three-week period in which you should be a little bit more careful with your personal communications. Misunderstandings or a break down in communication could blow out of all proportion.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
A serious conversation could take place around the Full Moon on August 1st Leo, with a friend or (romantic or business) partner, and if things don’t get better by August 9th, a big change is in sight. Remember, with Venus is retrograde in your sign all month, you’re in a deep process of reinvention. Luckily, by the time the moon becomes new in your sign on August 16, you could be receiving some powerful downloads regarding this process. If you’ve been experiencing change at work, you get a break from the chaos between now and the rest of the year as Uranus begins its retrograde cycle on August 28th. Unexpected or sudden changes which you could not have predicted may leave you feeling bewildered.
Virgo - 23 August to 22 September
Things kick off with a full moon in Aqaurius on the 1st which asks you to redefine your day - to day routine in order to create more space for freedom. Along side the full Moon you ruler Mercury will be aspected to stern Saturn . You might need to make some compromises in your relationships in order to find peace of mind. Don’t be afraid to talk through your needs and boundaries. Mid month is important for intropection and solitude as the new Moon on the 16th brings about a subbtle shift with empowering intuitive downloads. Maybe do a Moon ritual on this day to further connect with these vibes but don’t forget to get some much needed rest too.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October
Say it how it is, Libra! The drama you are experiencing in a new romantic relationship or in certain friendship or community circles is due to the retrograde of Venus. When life gets intense, it’s perfectly okay to feel anger—however, bottling it up never works in the end. After all, with the Lunar South Node in your sign, you’re at the beginning of a long process in which you’re shedding any people-pleasing tendencies you might have. This month, you also get cosmic permission to be selfish and focus on yourself, especially as Virgo season and Mercury retrograde begin on August 23. These shift may make you question yourself however go with the flow and you’ll soon see how much more empowered you feel.
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
You’ve changed quite considerably over the past months, Scorpio—and now, the road is clear for you to figure out what you truly want. This month’s combination of energies has your sights on career goals as well as the community that will help you get you to where you need to be. Study, and tinker around, but don’t make any big launches or changes until after September 3rd. Do set some time aside to fully soak the messages delivered by the August 16 new moon in Leo, as they promised to be extra juicy for you! Lastly, if an important relationship has been up and down for you, the retrograde of Uranus beginning on August 28 promises to give you a break but one that you could not have predicted.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
Expect delays this month, Sagittarius, especially career wise around August 1 and August 27. Mars in your career sector all month has you feeling ambitious—but unfortunately, with so many planets in retrograde motion this month, some projects will have to get postponed. In the end, you will notice that testing new things is what gets you to the other side. And fortunately, Mercury retrograde from August 23rd to September 15th will assist you in reviewing and revising your work processes. Lastly, big news arrives for your home life around the August 30th blue moon, when going with the flow will be necessary. This won’t be easy for you but just keep taking Deep breaths.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
feeling ambitious Capricorn—but unfortunately, with so many planets in retrograde motion this month, some projects will have to get postponed. On the 23rd the sun enters fellow Earth sign Virgo, which will lighten things up emotionally. This is a time for embracing a sense of Summer adventure so focus on being more flexible and let excitement take the lead. Mercury retograde brings a few glitches, as this begins on the same day as Virgo season begins.This is a transformative phase for you Capricorn, embrace this and navigate wisely and watch as your existence flourishes in alignment with your truest Values.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
There is no way to sugarcoat it, Aquarius, relationships will require work this month. This will be especially true between August 12th and August 17th. It will be crucial that you’re open to seeing things differently—and luckily, Mercury and Mars will help you do this. While relationships are transforming for all zodiac signs, for you, the true test is about finding and reaching true intimacy. The good news is that if things have been really up and down at home, the retrograde of Uranus, starting at the end of the month and lasting until mid-January, curbs the chaos that might have been surrounding you. Peace and harmony go hand in hand you must learn to create and accept it. You deserve to.
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
You’re a lover and a peace-seeker Pisces but if you’ve been hiding from seeing certain truths about a close friend or partnership, then prepare to come back down to Earth. On August 1 and August 27, Mercury and the Sun activate retrograde Saturn in your sign, bringing stories back from the past. Mercury goes retrograde in your relationship sector, starting a three-week period of revision of the give-and-take in your closest connections. Lastly, an important message arrives or a project reaches a climax at the second full moon of the month, a rare blue moon, which occurs in your sign, on August 30th. An emotional Month of ups and downs, but at least you’ll know where you stand, and can build from there.