Horoscopes July 2023
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
You’re completely fed up Aries. Something about your working life just isn’t working. We feel your frustration, and have some good news: this is the month when your irritation can turn into action. You’re ready to make some changes.
This motivation for a shift will extend beyond your career in mid-month. You’ll be on a real self-improvement drive, from your relationships to your mind. Make space for self-reflection and downtime. You might need to retreat from the world for a bit to get clarity.
At the end of the month, there might be some drama in the world of love and romance. The stars signal the return of an ex, or the reopening of an old wound. Stay strong and maintain that focus on yourself. By the time August hits, you’ll be in a great place.
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
You’re a bit hard on yourself, aren’t you Taurus? A fear of failure can often make you lean too far on the side of caution, and in July you’ll notice this issue coming up more. Why? Because it’s time to sort it out.
You’ll need to do some reflection on your tendency to retreat to your comfort zone when you’re feeling insecure. What could you achieve if you let go of those worries and tried to be a bit freer?
This is also a month for you to focus in on things you enjoy, that really ground you. Is there a hobby you’ve always loved but haven’t found time for? Now’s the time to give it another go.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
Teamwork makes the dream work Gemini, but are you relying too much on your ‘team’,?, there are always going to be things we don’t like to do… but you can’t get away with avoiding them forever. Self-reliance and growth are necessary, too. It won’t always be fun, but it’s vital.
You might struggle this month with feeling like other people just aren’t understanding you. In these cases, step back and reflect on your approach. But also, be open to meeting other, more like-minded people. Doing so might bring in a burst of inspiration around a long-held goal.
July is going to be a time for reflection on how you communicate, Gemini. Clear, honest communication is key. You know this. So what’s blocking the lines? You’ll need to address the emotions around talking it out towards the end of the month, and do some work to improve.
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
We know it’s tempting to try to control, well… everything, but this month you might see the negative ripple effect of this approach. You have a tendency to become more controlling and critical when you feel uneasy, and we get that, but be cautious of how this might impact people around you.
July will kick-off an 18-month focus on the world of work. You’ll be more open to going after stuff you’re passionate about and will learn that trusting your hunches can lead to real fulfilment.
You’ll also be having a moment of reassessing your self-worth. For too long, you’ve convinced yourself you’re less deserving. Come on, Cancer, you know that’s not a belief that’s based in reality. You are worth so much more. You’re worthy of going after what you really want. Let go of the thinking patterns that have kept you stagnant and give yourself permission to really go for it.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
There are some aspects of your routine that may feel restrictive and heavy this month Leo. You have the ability to run a tight ship, but it is important to go with the waxing and waning of life. Your needs and emotions deserve to be nurtured too – that’s a lesson you’ll need to learn in July.
This could be a month of big changes and improvements. If you focus in on bettering yourself – while making time for fun, of course – you could be in a great place by the end of July.
Travel could be on the cards, as well as opportunities for learning something new. You’re going to get out of your normal, everyday routine and be exposed to something different. Exciting, right?
Virgo - 23 August to 22 September
Virgo, have you ever been told you can be a bit intimidating? That part of yourself will be dialled up this month, so we urge you to use it for good, not evil. Maybe you could use that energy to organise an amazing event or channel it into a performance of some kind… karaoke, anyone?
Throughout July you’re going to be challenged to shift your dials from the practical to the emotional. Keep an eye out for opportunities to make connections and hear other people’s views to let this guide your decision-making, rather than just focusing on what makes the most logical sense.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October
You tend to be the stabilising force when it comes to your home life, keeping the peace and making sure everything’s ticking over as it should. This month, that might not be the case. Your work will demand more of your attention and your energy might deplete as a result. You know what that means, Libra? You need to delegate. You can’t do everything, no matter how hard you might try.
July signals the start of an interesting period in your life that’s all about your relationships. You’ll be challenged with understanding the value of your friendships and assessing what you’re getting from and giving to different bonds… is the balance equal?
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
When you know something, you know something, and you don’t care what others have to say. Some call it stubborn; you call it passionate. But the truth is, you aren’t always right. You can’t know everything. This month, keep your mind open to other perspectives. You could gain a lot.
Letting go of some of that resoluteness could allow you to let in some positive changes. It might be time to question some of your current ways of doing things. There’s potential for healthier, more helpful routines and habits that could change your life for the better. You just need to be open to seeing them.
Be warned: this process will be tricky. Trying to let go can bring up old wounds around issues of control. Remember that you’re no longer that past self. You have grown and you can trust yourself to flex a little bit. Put some faith in what you’re trying, and you could be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
You’ve been motivated to build your career lately. Exciting! But you’ve been stubbornly sticking to the idea that you have to do this all alone, which isn’t the case. Connecting with other people will not only give you more power behind your goals, but also get your creative juices flowing, help you see new solutions, and chase down even better versions of success. You have a lot to offer in a partnership or collaboration, and if you let it happen, July will make that clear.
Your self-belief might waver at the end of the month. Don’t let it dip too much. Remember just how much you’re bringing to the table and remind yourself of how far you’ve come. You do it best when you’re authentically, confidently yourself.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
You’ve been all about restriction recently. You’ve been on a tight budget, a strict routine and a controlled approach to, with just about everything. What’s with the need for such control Capricorn? With the full moon in your sign this month, you’ll be prompted to dig deeper into this and work through those complicated feelings. Stick with this drive and you’ll find a more positive mind set.
Hidden underneath that control is someone with deep passions and a lot of joy. Start to let that person out. It could help you connect better with others and attract some exciting things into your life.
It may be about time for you to become more emotionally intimate with a special someone or a friend. They’re waiting on you to make the move. Trust in them (and yourself) and go for it, we say.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
What’s holding you back from expressing yourself? What’s the blockage preventing you from showing up as your full, emotional self? July is the month when you’ll need to confront this. The people in your life want to connect with you on a more honest, intimate level. Can you be brave enough to let them? Can you trust that when you let your walls down, the people who care will understand? We believe you can.
You’re going to learn some lessons about communication in the next few months, especially around expressing your innermost thoughts and feelings. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but don’t give up. It’s worth the practice.
All of this is about becoming the best version of yourself you can be. Once you start addressing these tricky spots, all your relationships will become so much better. It’s well worth pushing past that initial rawness.
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
There are some people in your life right now that aren’t the best influence. We’re not saying they’re terrible people, just that there’s something that’s drawing you away from what you actually want and need to do, and toward something more destructive. It may be time to pull away, or at least restore the balance.
This goes hand-in-hand with a big theme for you in the coming months, which is self-reliance. You’ll learn just how much you can accomplish solo, just how able you are to make big things happen. Try doing some new hobbies on your own and see where that takes you.
Overall, this month you will be working hard on setting new routines and habits or letting them go. The challenge will be realising which habits are worth keeping and which ones should be dumped. Lots of self-reflection lies ahead. Sometimes we need a friend or partner to help us work out these feelings, so lean on a trusted person. You got this.