Tarotscopes - 2022 The Year of the Tiger


THE MOON ~ 2022 invites you to own your whole self, Aries. Embrace your shadow side, accept your body just as it is, know that you are enough, just as you are. This doesn’t mean that you can’t grow and change – you must, if you are to avoid stagnation – but do so from a place of self-acceptance, loving what and who you are today, not withholding that care for yourself until you have done this, changed that or completed the other.

It is easy to convince ourselves that things unfold in cycles and now may not be the time, we may not be ready for something – for example fully accepting ourselves as we are, right now. And it’s true that there are seasons for different things, that we often can’t force things using sheer willpower (and if we can, should we?). But this year, don’t use that as an excuse for avoiding yourself, and giving you the care you need.Reflection is your supportive tool and whatever this looks like – daily journalling, thoughtful walks alone, introspective conversations with your closest friends.


THE TWO OF WANDS ~ 2022 – it is more important that you establish a clear plan before proceeding. The Two of Wands is also about discovery, particularly as you step outside your comfort zone and explore new worlds and experiences. It may take courage to set out, but this card gives you the confidence of self-knowledge. You know what your goal is and are sure of its eventual fulfilment. Let your intuition and passion guide you as you confirm your next steps.

The Two of Wands indicates that you are considering your longer-term goals and aspirations and are ready to plan for what you need to do to achieve them. You have already come so far, and now you feel ready for a change – this time with your long-term future in mind. You may be contemplating overseas travel, further education or a significant career switch to expand your horizons beyond your immediate environment. With careful planning and a moderated approach, you will set yourself up for success.


2022 calls you to embrace new, experimental ideas and to pursue them where you can, Capricorn. I hesitate to use the words ‘reckless abandon’, but encourage you to err gently towards that end of the spectrum, rather than being over cautious. Going beyond your comfort zone is of course, uncomfortable, but the payoffs are huge – greater self-knowledge, growth, learning and confidence.

In any year, we are likely to experience a full range of emotions and experiences. This year, when faced with any kind of disappointment, your task is to avoid focusing on what is lost, or cannot be, and to look instead to what you still have, and what is possible. This doesn’t mean avoiding any difficult feelings, just don’t let them sweep you away, or become larger than they are.


THE SEVEN OF CUPS ~The coming year invites you to embrace a new, more creative way of being, Cancer. Whether this involves traditional ideas of creativity, or simply a new outlook that allows you to try doing the mundane things differently, is up to you. There is a lightness, a playful curiosity, a willingness to explore calling to you, which if responded to, may be the beginning of something much bigger than initially seems possible.

Your achilles heel for 2022 relates to your emotions in the context of decision making. This could be about the level of drama you allow in, or a belief that there is only one right course of action in any situation, perhaps it’s about being paralysed by having too many options. An aid for leaning away from this tendency, however it shows up for you, could be to reflect on the question ‘how can I hold this more lightly?’.


THE SIX OF PENTACLES ~his year brings your sign the themes of reciprocity and fair shares, Leo. The invitation is to think about how this shows up for you – what you have, what others have and your relationship to that; how giving and receiving feel to you, and what any resistance around either might mean. What’s the difference between asking for, and accepting an offer of help? How might positive feedback loops of reciprocity enhance your life?

Defensiveness could be something that prevents you from fully exploring what’s possible. Fear of giving and not getting back, or of taking and then feeling indebted to others may come up. If this is the case, keep it low stakes to begin with, don’t take risks beyond your comfort zone, whilst nudging its edge a little further out each time. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and it’s ok to take it slowly.


THE SUN ~2022 brings with it an invitation for you to really shine, Virgo. Don’t be afraid to step up, to be seen, to share your skills and gifts with the world, this isn’t a time for hiding your light under a bushel. This could also be a good opportunity for noticing things you’ve not looked at for a while, seeing them from a new angle, in a new light, and allowing that understanding to inform a different kind of relationship with self and others.

Holding things back, adopting a Machiavellian approach, behaving in ways that you know are a bit underhand are your kryptonite for this year. Transparency will serve you well. This doesn’t mean that you aren’t entitled to privacy, but that being clear about the difference between that and secrecy is important. Prioritise your own needs by all means, but be honest with yourself and others about it.


THE EMPRESS ~This is a year that asks you to focus on expressions of care, Libra. In the spirit of aeroplane emergency instructions, start with yourself, even if you have others for whom you are the nurturer – you can’t pour from an empty cup. Whether this resonates for you with self-care, a focus on the home, caring for others, or the feeding of expressions of creativity – perhaps all, or some combination of these – centre nurturance wherever you can.

Whilst there will be times when hard work is required, a striving mindset is likely to be unhelpful. This isn’t a time for working endlessly or obsessively, so avoid turning the idea of expressions of care into something you have to deprive or overwork yourself in order to do. This applies more generally too – you can be 100% in whilst working, but make sure you’re 100% out when you’re not. That includes domestic and unpaid labour!


THE DEATH CARD ~ he new year offers you an opportunity to lead, Scorpio. To foster a different kind of culture, whether at work, at home, within your family or friendship groups or in your community – at whatever scale is appropriate for you. This isn’t an intellectual exercise, but a practical one, requiring you to take action, and model what you want to see, to encourage and support those around you to do the same.

It may be that some of the strategies that have served you well in the past, will no longer be such a good fit for you. Equally, discarding things simply because they are from your past could mean throwing the baby out with the bath water. A careful, thoughtful approach is needed – be discerning and don’t allow yourself to get stuck in old ways, but also be ready to repurpose some of the old for the new ways you are building


THE ACE OF PENTACLES ~A new year is always an opportunity for a new beginning, and 2022 brings with it an invitation for you to take stock and begin afresh, with a focus on the practical and tangible, Sagittarius. This could look like a new job, a side hustle, a new home or freshening up the one you’re in, a new approach to money and resources, or simply a new day-to-day routine, but whatever the change is, there is support for you to make it happen.

With new beginnings in mind, take care not to take on too much. Lasting change takes time to bed in, and whilst the novelty of newness, whatever form it takes, can give us an energy boost in the short term, this can easily trick us into thinking that we have the capacity to do all of the things at once. The danger then is that trying to do too much, too quickly, turns what started as new and refreshing into overwhelm and burnout.


 THE THREE OF PENTCALES ~ 2022 calls you to embrace new, experimental ideas and to pursue them where you can, Capricorn. I hesitate to use the words ‘reckless abandon’, but encourage you to err gently towards that end of the spectrum, rather than being over cautious. Going beyond your comfort zone is of course, uncomfortable, but the payoffs are huge – greater self-knowledge, growth, learning and confidence.

In any year, we are likely to experience a full range of emotions and experiences. This year, when faced with any kind of disappointment, your task is to avoid focusing on what is lost, or cannot be, and to look instead to what you still have, and what is possible. This doesn’t mean avoiding any difficult feelings, just don’t let them sweep you away, or become larger than they are.


THE STAR CARD~The coming year invites you to start realising your dreams Aquarius. It’s time to start testing out things that have been possibilities, to see whether they can actually work. Don’t try and fool yourself into thinking that research or thinking time are the same as action – they may be necessary, but without any follow through, your hopes will remain just that. The only way to find out whether you can do something, is by trying.

Don’t let losses or failures hold you back. It’s important to learn from our mistakes, and that holds true here – if we try something and it becomes obvious that it’s not going to work, forcing it will only bring us more grief. Equally, we learn iteratively, and often more from what we (and others!) get wrong than from what we get right. Make your decisions based on evidence, not fears borne of over analysis.


TEMPERANCE ~The new year asks you to focus on connection and integration, Pisces. This can be viewed very personally, as a time for getting to know yourself in new ways, for absorbing lessons and new understanding of your experiences, past and present. Or it can be about those around you, for example intimate relationships, family, community, your place in them and how you show up in those relationships. Ideally, it will involve both of these elements.

If there are areas where you have tended to think of yourself as less capable than others, or in need of guidance, particularly in relation to how you structure the practical parts of your life – home, work, money and your day-to-day routines – it might be time to think about whether there is evidence for that, and how you can start to be a little more self-reliant or trusting of your own ways of doing things.


Tarotscopes January 2025