Tarotscopes January 2025


The Sun

This month Aries the Sun card is shining brightly for you. The Sun’s energies represent vibrancy, happiness and positive vibes.

 Make sure you step into, and own this, as you’ve worked hard and deserve it. The message here is that things will get better and better!

 The Sun connects you to your power base, not fear driven egotistical, survival mode. You feel energised and ready to engage with an open heart. Your energy levels really do get a boost now. You feel much more invigorated than you have of late, as the Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you. Allow your inner child to shine, by having some fun and plenty of laughter.


Eight of Wands

This is a fast paced month Taurus, with the Eight of Wands showing up. If you’ve experienced any hold ups or misunderstandings, the coast is much clearer now.

Movement and communication are key to making the most out of January. Single bull’s looking for love may well find a few suiters interested … “form an orderly queue” as you’re in demand! Travel is also indicated here so get ready to pack for some adventure but don’t overthink it, as you might just talk yourself out of it.

Spontaneity and communication,letters emails and phone calls are a Plenty!

You begin the year with some important News, and are called upon to act swiftly. Do what is nesscary and try not to take on too amny opinions. You’re on the ball!


Seven of Wands

Feeling stressed by challenges Gemini? Fear not, as you’ll work through this, with strength and resilience.  The Seven of Wands often represents opposition and competitiveness. You are being tested at the moment - however, you’re also being asked to show the world what you’re made of at the same time. Your strong leadership qualities appear to be pushing peoples noses out of joint. Keep going though and fight for what you believe in. Maybe you need to show new strategies for those around you to gain a different or better perspective, although you’re not about to back down completley as you need to defend your postion, whether this be in a relationship or in your work place. Sewlf belief. determination and resilience, are what is needed.


 Eight of Cups

Walking away from disappointing situations is what you’re gpoing be doing this month Cancer.

If you’re unfulfilled in a job or relationship, career path or living arrangement, then it’s time to pack up and search for what is missing. If something feels like it’s been missing for a while, then now is the time to decide.  You may have outgrown your old self and are feeling dissatisfied with many aspects of your life. The Eight of cups is here to remind you that your quest for a new beginning is ready. Look at this as the start of a new Journey. One that you must take alone. You might feel misunderstood whilst you go through this major adjustment phase and some of your frinfds and loved ones may find it difficult to make sense of you but you must not let this deter you. This is an internal personal journey of Truth, and letting go of the parts of your life that no loner seve you.


Three of Swords

This is never a welcome card when it shows up Leo, but at least you know where you stand now and you can start to let go and heal.

The truth is out in a particular situation and maybe your heart is aching, but let the healing process begin. If you have suffered a major set-back or loss, now is an excellent time to cry it out! Allow yourself the opportunity to experience the pain so that it can be released. Let the cleansing process begin as this will pass.

Can also relate to painful words that have triggered a reaction;

Where you begin, is not where you end up Leo. And if this is the beginning of your healing journey, just know, that you probably won’t ever need to deal with, or look at this wound again..


Six of Pentacles

This is the card for financial harmony Virgo. Maybe you are giving someone a helping hand or perhaps you are the one receiving financial support. If this is the case, then accept it. There could also be other kinds of support coming your way that you didn’t expect. Either way this month is all about giving and receiving in equal measure. This includes your precious time too.

There’s a karmic quality to the Six of Pentacles. What goes around usually always comes around. Generosity breeds generosity. If you’re in a position to help someone out financially then do. Not because you want anything back, but because it’s the right thing to do. Your help and sage wisdom is very much needed right now. Can also relate to being finacially secure in the coming months.


Ten of Pentacles

Property matters are highlighted this month Libra. You could be buying, selling or looking to invest, or simply needing to move home.  There’s a strong sense of ‘I need to belong’ and putting your roots down will further enhance this which also strengthens your identity. You may also want to research your family tree or ancestral heritage.

Financial for you and your family.. This is also a fertile time for is important now. There could also be a family inheritance you are connected to that’s also connected to others. You can now start planning for the future. Succsess in Business investments that will bear fruit later down the track are also indicated.


Queen of Swords

Okay Scorpio… This month is all about getting things done, setting stronger boundaries and speaking ‘your truth’ clearly and succinctly, just like the Queen of Swords.  Your secret weapon is your intellect, and It’s important that you put your intellectual power to good use. Your need to be heard pierces through the white noise around you, and there is good reason for this. You are a truth seeker, however you are also open to hearing others opinions with objectivity. This isn’t too far out of your own comfort zone either Scorpio. You are able to put your point across clearly and at the same time gaining respect from those listening. Lean fully into this Queens energy as you kick off the new year. Start as you mean to go on.


Ace of Pentacles

New Beginnings are on the horizon Sag as you will see. The Ace of Pentacles is offering new job opportunities and or a new Business venture that may start off small, but has the potential to grow legs for the future. Any offers that appear this month needs careful consideration. As if by magic, what you’ve been asking or manifesting shows up. New doors are opening. You have the chance now to manifest something that has a solid foundation. Slow but syeady maybe, This is where the challenge lies for you but if you put the work in you will have what you desire.


Two of Cups

Friendships and partnerships are highlighted this month Capricorn and are an important part of your story as you embark into a new Cycle. The two cups represent the flow of love between two people.  With this in mind, you can create deep and lasting connections. You may be in the early stages of a friendship or relationship - even a business partnership is possible now? Either way, there is potential for this connection to grow and develop into something lasting and rewarding. Make sure that all parties agree to any contracts that are put in place if this is a business connection. Double check the T’s & C’s if you deciede to go into a business partnership, dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s. Especially if it’s an existing freindship. Don’t allow other parties to blur your Judgement.



Balance, healing, timing and moderation are key this month Aquarius. Allow your energies and life force to flow through you, without any resistance or force. If life has been stressful, or frantic, Temperance is here to remind you that it’s time to find some tranquillity to help you achieve a better perspective and fulfilment in your life. Take the middle path. Now is not the time to be controversial or over opinionated.

If you’ve had any health issues then Temperance is here to help re-balance your energies. Believe in your own power of healing Aquarius. There are many different forces around you. Some in Human form and some angelic. You may find yourself being helped by others more than usual. Accept this with Love and gratitude. Temperance is preparing you for a reset. Let the healing Begin.


The Magician

The Master manifester is here to remind you that you have all the tools in front of you Pisces and the energy to make your dreams int a reality!

Dreams can come true, but you need to use your creativity to make them happen. Now is the time to move forward with new ideas. The seed of potential is ready, and you’ll be called upon to take action and bring your intention to fruition. The skills and knowledge you have gathered along your path, have led you to where you are today. Whether you know this or not, you’re now ready to turn your ideas into reality and turn this reality into something exciting and successful. You are the one to initiate these new energies. What follows is an exstention of what is meant to be. The magiian is a Number 1 vibration. Fresh starts and new beginnings is what this month is about.  


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