Tarotscopes April 2023


Two of Wands

April is all about making plans Aries. You know what you want to manifest - you’ve just got to figure out how to do it.

Expanding your horizons and carefully plotting out your path ahead, making sure no stone goes unturned is going to be keeping you very busy this month.

You want to explore new territories and are not afraid to step out of your comfort zone, of course you’re not; In fact, if there are any fears surrounding you - in true Aries style you challenge them head on in the knowing that this eventually leads you to a new sense of self awareness.   


Seven of Pentacles

All work and no play made Jack a dull boy Taurus. Give yourself some breathing space this month, you’ve been slogging away but are still feeling unfulfilled. Yes, nobody can fault your commitment, but it’s beginning to feel like charity work to you without the emotional or spiritual reward.

You’ve invested a huge amount of time to a project and now you want to see the fruits of your labour and you will. Profits, rewards and pay outs are on their way, just remember to finish what you started, this is where the satisfaction lies.


Three of Cups

There’s lots to celebrate this month Gemini. The Three of Cups is a time for getting together with your favourite people. Maybe you’re celebrating a birthday, wedding or going to a groovy festival. April is all about communing with like minded women and celebrating one another. This month is your “feel good” month, bringing positive and uplifting energies into your orbit so enjoy, you’ve earnt it. Meeting new people and widening your circle with joy in your heart and a spring in your step. Enjoy!


Knight of Pentacles

This Knight is a practical level headed person with good business sense. He’s productive, likes routine and has a conservative mindset. For you Cancer, this month is all about adopting some of these traits. You’ll be planning and focused, approaching everything you do in a meticulous manner. Hard working, your attention to detail this month is key. Maybe a new business project is in the making. Your best course of action is to go with the flow, don’t force or rush anything, you will reach your intended goal - you just need to adopt a slightly different approach to your usual one.



The Judgment card is calling you to rise up and embrace a higher level of consciousness Leo. You’re experiencing a spiritual awakening and realise that you’re destined for so much more. This month your higher self is calling you to make some life changing decisions. Use a blend of your intuition and intellect to get you onto the right path. This card pops up when we arrive at a significant stage of our journey. It’s time to review your past experiences and learn from them. You’re integrating and healing old wounds ready to take on fresh challenges.



When this card pops up it’s truth time Virgo. Are you seeking justice or is justice seeking you? Fairness, truth and the Law all come under the Justice card. If you’ve acted in alignment with your higher self then there’s nothing to worry about, but if you haven’t, then you’ll be called out and made to own your action. If you’re seeking justice then this is a positive omen and justice will indeed be served. Once a decision is made you must accept and move on as there are no second chances.


Ace of Wands

You’re nobody’s April fool Libra. This Ace is all set to fire you up with passion and verve. You’ve been planting seeds for new beginnings for a while now, so follow your heart if there’s a strong pull towards a new project or path. This is the card of pure potential! You’re feeling energetic and motivated to pursue new avenues. A whole world of possibility is available now.  If you’ve been waiting for a sign as to whether a project or person is right, then the Ace of wands is a clear YES!


Three of Wands

This month is all about broadening your horizons Scorpio. Look ahead and don’t look behind you. You’re exploring new landscapes and vista’s. Travel is also indicated when this card pops up. Maybe a new business enterprise is beckoning that’s far into the distance - away from your usual routine. You’re encouraged to be adventurous this month and venture into unknown territory. As a fixed water sign you can sometimes find it hard to grasp new beginnings and prefer the tried and tested. The message is to be flexible - it will pay off.


Four of Swords

You love to be on the go exploring new and exciting things Sagittarius - however this month it’s time to rest and recoup. The Four of Swords is calling you to take some time out to tune into yourself and if needs be to do some self healing. If you can go on a retreat - even better, but the message here is you cannot pour from an empty cup. Not music to your ears we know, but even YOU need time out to rest. The challenge is to stay silent. You need to replenish your mental strength and spend some time connecting with your higher self. This will help to declutter your mind of stress.


The Star

April is all about self-renewal, healing and believing in the powers that be Capricorn. Renewed hope, faith and a sense that you’re truly blessed by the universe - you’ll be given many signs that this is the case. You’re entering a loving and peaceful phase this month and your life will fill gorgeously calm. This is a time of significant spiritual growth and development as you are now ready to receive more blessings from the universe and maybe even a spiritual and powerful sign as a gift from God.


The Empress

Time to enjoy the fruits of your labour Aquarius, as this month you are feeling fabulously established! You’re fully connected to your femininity, which translates in many ways to elegance, sensuality, fertility and creative expression. You’re creating a life of abundance and will want to surround yourself with everything that enhances this vibe. Your motherly instinct is strong now and maybe you’re looking to create a new life which can sometimes suggest pregnancy, childbirth or perhaps the birthing of new ideas.


Eight of Cups

This card is all about a spiritual and emotional journey. You’re feeling that something is missing in your life and are looking for that missing cup. Often, when we see the Eight of Cups we are ready to walk away from any situation that we feel we’ve outgrown. This can relate to a job, relationship or  friendships - anything that you feel no longer serves you. You’re ready to walk away. This might feel like a lonely journey Pisces but it’s an important one. Now is the right time to explore your true happiness and to realign your goals with your values.


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Tarotscopes January 2025