March Tarotscopes 2025



Key Words: Strength, Courage, compassion, Persuasion, Influence.

When Strength appears you are fulled by your inner strength, personal Power, strong will, and determination. Your strength gives you the confidence to overcome any growing fears, challenges or doubts. You are also prompted to tame your animal instincs at this time. Your gut reaction is strong now, and feelings of anger and sadness may be bubbling up to the surface. These are perfectly normal responses, but it’s better to learn how to chanel them rather than holding on. Love, forgiveness, and compassion all belong to the energies of Strength. Draw on these positve elements, allowing raw emotions to pass through you, rather than blocking them out.

Strength teaches us to check in on our shadow, the parts of us that we disown. Holding space for others that need your Support, you are seen as powerful without being threatening. This is a good card to come up if you’re recovery from an illness, or major challenges. Strength says you are now capab;e and resilient than before.


The World

Key Words: Completion, connection, New cycles, feeling whole. Travel

This month gives you a wonderful sense of Wholeness and connection. An old cycle is about to come to a close, so expect some new energies to present themselves in the way of New begininngs. Listen to the subtle clues that the universe conveys. There will be many. The World reminds you that what once felt fragmented, is now coming together in a new way. You’re invited to reflect on your current journey so far and honour your achievments and celebrate your succsesses. If you have not quite reached this point of completion, then you are very close. You may also be planning a trip abroad, or perhaps a new job opportunity comes up that involves Over Seas travel. The world reinforces universal understanding and global awareness. You may find that you have a new appreciation for people and cultures from across the globe, as well as a new sense for a wider world and perspective.


The Star

Key words: Healing, Renewal, future, Hope, aspirations

The Star card appears with a beautiful message of hope, healing, and renewed faith that you are truly blessed by the universe. You’ll be enetering a more peaceful time this month Gemini, with calm energy and a more indepth understanding of yourself and others around you. Like the woman in the card, it’s time to lay yourself bare, to realize your true core essence. The Stars mesaage is that you hold a new sense of self, a new appreciation for the core of your being. The universe is healing you and saying that anything is possible now.

You’ll be making significant progess during this process, transforming yourself from the old to the new, stripping back any limiting beliefs, facades or deceptions, so that you can live in your authentic Self. The star promises that the old way is gone and a new path way os about to begin.


 The King of Wands

Key Words: Leader, Honour, Entrepreneur ,Vision.

There are some big bold statements Cancer, as the King of wands represents Passion and creativity. You have the energy and enthusiasm to accomplish what you set out to achieve this month. You’re taking control of your life and leading others by example. In the context of another person, this king presents as a strong confident mature male ( Can be a strong female also) who motivates you to be fearless, passionate and free thinking. This is the king entrepeneur, who takes calculated risks that usally pay off.

In a romantic sense, the King of Wands is fiery and passionate and at the same time loves his freedom. If you’re lucky enough to meet he/she then give them time and plenty of space. Don’t be a clinging Vine leaf, or controlling Mother or Father figure. Chances are they’ll run a mile - and you’ll be filled with regret!. Fore warned means fore armed. Prepare yourself for an exciting month of surprises.



Key words: Justice Fairness, Truth, Cause and effect, The Law.

At it’s core, justice is about the search for truth. Be prepared to dip into mirky Waters and explore what Truth means to you Leo. You are being called to account for some past actions. If you acted in alignment with your higer self and for others, you have nothing to worry about. However if you haven’t, then you’ll be called out to own up. If you’re seeking Justice in some situation, then this is a positive card to receive. You may be involved in a legal case, a governing body, or an institution. The scales of Justice also relates to the law of cause and effect and quite often shows up when we need to readdress the balance from our past. Whatever the outcome, Justice is fair.

Any decisions or conclusions that are made during this time are fair and well balanced.


The Moon

Key Words: Subconcious, Intuition, fear, Illusion, Deception

The Moon can indicate a time of uncertainty and illusion when nothing is quite what it seems. Be careful of Making quick decisions this month Virgo, because you may later realise you had only half the information. There seems to be a veil between what is real and what isn’t. The best way to handle these energies is by pure intuition, which you will have plenty of. Keep a journal of your dreams, as they will be vivid at this time and will give you clues - (IF you decode them) - to higher levels of understanding. Pay attentions to the Lunar cycles - the New and full Moon and use these cycles for ritual and mediation. Set your intentions at the New Moon and honour your achievements - releasing that which no longer serves on the Full Moon, so that new aspects of yourself can shine. Abandon your logical thinking for a while and trust that your intuition will lead you to the right decisions.


The Four of Wands

Key words: Celebration, Coming Home, Joy, Happiness.

The four of Wands is closlely associated to the Home enviroment. This month your focus will be on making your home as comfy and as beautiful as possible. You can now pause, and focus your energies on perhaps renovating or Redecorating. The number Four in Numerology symbolises stability. You experience a sense of security and joy, as well as completion. Perhaps you’re completing on the sale of a house ? If this is the case, then there is reasons to celebrate. If you’ve been working on a project then an important milestone is reached. There’s a sense of personal gratification of a job well done. You’ve attained a goal, and now your beginning to realise just how much you’ve achieved.

You should feel proud!


The Queen of Wands

Key Words: Assertive, Energetic,Self assured, Optimistic

Well Scorpio… if life got a bit heavy last month, then this month you can step into who you truly are and that is up -beat courageous and determind! You’re being asked to step into and unleash your inner Queen of Wands, in a bold and pro - active way. Your time to shine.. So don’t be afraid to own your power and put it out into the World. You have so much to offer, so shine your light brightly and believe in yourself. Don’t be afraid to speak up and be heard either, no one will silence you. You are expressing yourself fully in your external world and enjoying being the centre of attention. Let others see your shadow side too. This doesn’t need to be a negative aspect of yourself - it could just be a side of you that nobody’s ever seen.

This will enable you to connect on a deeper level with others, and you may be surprised to see that your Vulnarable side on show, actually made you much more relatable to those around you. You have a magnectic and mysterious Aura naturally. It’s perfectly fine to show other sides of yourself, even if you feel a little exposed.


The wheel of Fortune

Key words: Fate, Destiny, movement, karmic Cycles. Luck.

Well Sag! You better buckle up as the Wheel of fortune is heading in your direction. If February was a little heavy and predictable, then March see’s you dusting yourself off for some interesting themes ahead. Life is always in a state of change and this is the month you’re reminded that Luck and good fortune make a return to those generous and loving souls. You’re a naturally Kind and loving Person, with a generous spirit and as the saying goes ‘what comes around goes around’. Chance meetings, lucky breaks, and general good fortune, is beating a path to your door this month Sag. Be prepared to make swift decisions and on the spot assessments, as the Wheel keeps turning, so you need to be in tune with the vibes. The Wheel of Fortune asks you to have faith and stay optimistic. The magic of Fate and destiny is behind you and miracles are happening. This might not be a month to plan too much, however your innate intuition and zest for life and adventure will guide you in the right direction. Be as present as possible.


Key Words: Feminine, creative projects, Sensuality, Self love

The Empress is here to remind you to get in touch with your sacred Feminine this month Capricorn. Owing to the good fortune associated with the Empress Card, you can be sure that any creative projects will end succsessfully, if you’re in any doubt.

This Month take care of yourself. Go to that Spa - day, treat yourself to some special oils, or invest in a new and beautiful wardrobe. Being in nature would also be good for you, even planting some new bulbs in your garden or on your Balcony.

Your mothering instinct is strong right now, and you’ll nurture and love those closest to you in a deeper way. Just make sure you don’t smother or become over bearing, as you’ll have difficulties in maintaining your relationships. You don’t want to push your loved ones away, as this isn’t your intention. The Empress is a Fertile enery. If apparopriate it can signify Pregnacy for yourself or someone close to you.


The Four of wands

Key Words: Home coming, Happiness, celebration, Completion.

The four of Wands is closlely associated to the Home enviroment. This month your focus will be on making your Home as comfy and as beautiful as possible. You can now pause, and focus your energies on perhaps renovating or re -decorating. The number Four in Numerology symbolises stability. You experience a sense of security and joy, as well as completion. Perhaps you’re completing on the sale of a house ? If this is the case, then there is reasons to celebrate. If you’ve been working on a project then an important milestone is reached. There’s a sense of personal gratification of a job well done. You’ve attained a goal, and now your beginning to realise just how much you’ve achieved.

You should feel proud!


The Ace of Swords

Key words: Clarity, Truth, Integrity, Breakthroughs

The Ace of swords marks a wave of New energy Pisces. You may be on the verge of a major breakthrough this month or a new way of thinking. This allows you to view the world with more clarity, or you may have a sudden realisation or concious understanding about an issue that’s been troubling you for a while. The Ace of Swords encourages you to speak your mind in a concise and direct way. It’s truth time!.This is also an excellent time to start new projects that requires you to use your intellect. Your mental energy is strong now, so you’ll be able to put your point across in a powerful and persausive way, especially in writing. If you need to fight your corner, then this Ace gives you the passion and conviction to champion your cause.


January Tarotscopes 2025