January Tarotscopes 2025


The Wheel of fortune points to a cycle of Good fortune and Lucky breaks that seem to appear from know where Aries. Also known as the Wheel of Karma, what goes up must come down and vice versa. Generally, when this card shows up, we experience good will and abundance. The Universe is taking care of us for a period of time. It’s a time to grow and expand, and to have faith that everything is taken care of. There is lot’s of synchronicity around you this month Aries, with Chance Meetings, and opportunities that feel unexpected, yet fated at the same time. Now is the perfect time to change things around in an unfamiliar way. Unpredictable and unerving yes, however the more you tune into your intuition and allow the universe to guide you, the better the outcome will be.


The Three of Wands

The Three of wands offers you many chances to broaden your horizions Taurus. This can relate to travel, business,or learning something that gives you an extra string to your bow. You can dream Big - think Big, and explore some new options that are ready to be explored. Don’t limit yourself either, accept the wider landscape open to you, and be confident that you can achieve the desired outcome. There could be a new job opportunity that presents itself, one which pushes you out of your comfort Zone. The Three of Wands says YES, you are meant to be expanding and widening your horizons. Wands represent Fire energy, you have what it takes to make this Work.


The Knight of Cups

The knight of Cups appears as a messenger. He carries an invitation, or an arrival of something, or someone, which will benefit you in one way or another. In the context of Romance, this knight is very much with the idea of being in Love. His Charming creative and personable. If you’re looking for an exclusive relationship that goes the distance, then go in with an open mind, as this Knight in Shining Armour might be a commitment phobe; plus, you could be one of many Lovers. The message here then is to be realistic, enjoy the company of a charming dreamer, and keep an open mind. This Knight of cups could become a caring friend, as well as a Lover - one who has empathy and compassion.


The Fool

This month offers you an open road Cancer. The fool is here to remind you that you’re in a brand new cycle, and that you’re ready to start something new. You’re also being asked to trust in the process. New beginnings and new opportunities may present themselves to you, so be ready, as you undertake a new journey. The fool encourages you to have an open mind and perhaps throw some of that Cancarian caution to the wind. This is a period where you feel liberated and free, even though you may not know where this new found sense of freedom may take you. This is exactly how it should be, so pack your bag and take that leap of faith, even if you do not feel 100% ready. Let your intuition be your trusted guide.


The Knight of Pentacles

When the Knight of pentacles appears it says that you’re working methodically towards your goals. You have a plan in place, and are sticking to your schedule to get the job done.. Maybe you’re putting a new business plan together, or adding something of value to an existing one. Anything you start now, or are involved in this month will be done with precision. If this doesn’t realate to you, then someone with the traits of this knight will appear. In a romantic context, he is the ‘Steady Eddy’ type. However once committed, he’s reliable, kind and a good friend to have. Perhaps not exciting enough initially, but do give things a chance to develope. As the saying goes. “Anything worth it’s salt takes time.”


The Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is all about self - Love, divine Love, and Compassion Virgo. You receive a lot of Love this month, as well as giving Love in return.This is an indication that your heart is fully open, and ready to experience the rich flow of emotions availabe to you right now. This is your new emotional beginning, and it carrries a message of Spiritual fulfilment - but only if you emabrace it with an open heart. You may be inspired to start a new creative project, a new relationship, may appear, or a new friendship that has deep and spiritual meaning. If appropriate, this Ace can signify conception, pregancy or a birth.This can also be the birth of a new idea or spark of inspiration - something in which you can invest a great deal of loving and creative energy to.


The High Priestess

You’re on a Spiritual journey this month Libra, one that involves trusting your intuition and allowing your inner voice to guide you, as all the answers are within YOU. This is your spiritual up-grade… So do Listen! The high Priestess is your Guardian Libra, she is the Sacred feminine of divine wisdom living between the Concious and the Subconcious worlds. Tuning into the energies of the high Priestess means you’re tuning into your higher self. Now is the time of hightened intuition, Psychic abilities, or developing these skills. This is a good time to enrol on a course for Spiritual developement, or to go on a spiritual retreat. Your Sacred Feminine needs your attention right now! It’s time to Feel rather than think, and to listen rather than act. Be still, and direct your attention inwardly if you’re looking for some answers.


The Ace of Swords

This month is all about clear thinking and speaking your mind Scorpio. This is the Ace of Truth and clarity. There’s no sugar coating your words either. You’re now in a strong position to say what needs to be said in a way that others will stand up and listen. Letter writing, Emails, or face to face, the time is Now! It’s also an excellent time to start a new project that requires you to use your intellect. Your comunication skills are at a peak, and you may feel inspired to take a writing class, practice your public speaking skills, or get involved in activities that require brain power or brain storming. Your Mind is in expansion Mode. You feel fired up about many issues, speaking with passion and integrity. If you’re fighting a court case or being a champion for Justice, your truth and courage of conviction wins.



What have you been wishing for Sag?. This month you’re in the moment, when you feel your heart is open and flowing, with Love, appreciation and gratitude. You’re feeling content and emotionally fulfilled, which is why when this card shows up, it’s called the Wish card. It’s a sign that the Stars are aligned, and that you are about to be granted something you’ve been wishing for. This is the time to enjoy life to the full. Splurge and and indulge yourself, without feeling any guilt about a possible negative consequence. You have earned it! One thing to keep in mind though, is the comfortable bench this chap is sitting on. This period is probably for a limited time only. Life goes in stages, so cherish these moments while they last, as they may dissapear later. But what you do achieve, could be amazing and lasting. The universe is handing you some well deserved gifts.


The Ace of Wands

Follow your Passion this month Capricorn as, this is the Ace of a peak energy period. If you’ve been feeling low, or despondent, then this Ace is here to give you that extra Boost! This is the first Shoot, the potential for ideas to flow. Ace’s, are about New beginnings, and feeling passionate about starting new projects. If this is the case, then go for it. The landscape is fertile for opportunities to arrive, and with enough effort, you’ll over come any challenges that present themselves. Listen to your gut instinct this month. If something feels like a good idea then it most probably is. Start with a few Fundamentals to get things going, then take it from there, and watch your seeds flower.


The Lovers

When it come to relationships, the Lovers is a welcome sign Aquarius. However this is more to do with Unity, balance and choices, and the choice of Commitment, versus a connection or a Love affair. The Lovers is really about two forces coming together and uniting as one. This doesn’t have to relate to a person, as the Lovers is also about Choice. This can be a choice between Love, work, Family, or friendships. However if a person is involved, then the Lovers speaks about the coming together of two people who work together to compliment one another. This union is a blessing Aquarius. Focus on the connection and communication,which is the foundation for this to union to work. The Lovers also represent deep Soul Connctions.


The Hierophant

The Hierophant represents Spiritual Values, beliefs, religion and establishment. The message here is to stick by the rules and the tried and tested Pisces. If you need some guidance this month, then seek out a mentor or guide to help you. If you’ve already Mastered these skills yourself, then this period points to joining, or becoming a member of a spiritual establishment. One that favours tradition. This is also the Teacher card, and the card for study. You may feel encouraged to explore courses that have traditional and Spiritual values. Remember - there are no short cut’s to becoming a Master. The Hierophant is about sticking to the tried and tested and following the rules.

Can also indicate the arrival of a person who becomes a teacher, a mentor, or a great friend.


March Tarotscopes 2025


November Tarotscopes 2024