Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere

Eclipse Season with Four card Combo

Watch the flowers grow.

The Six of wands with the Fool.

Time to take a Risk! The Fool Card is about fresh new cycles and New beginings. It encourages us to go with the flow and trust in the knowing, that this new beginning, is a positive and successful one. Trust your instincts now, and take that leap of faith. Your Leadership skills have paid off. Victory is yours for the taking. The six of Wands. Maybe not Long term, but enjoy it while it lasts.

The World and the High Priestess.

When the World card shows up the message is one of Completion. You’ve accomplished what you set out to do and are feeling a sense of Wholeness and connection with yourself, and the outside World.

You Followed your Intuition (The high Priestess) and listened to your Sacred Feminine Voice. You’ve reached,( or are about to ) a significant cycle of your own Spiritual evolution, and have learnt many lessons that you’re intergrating, You’re ready for the next phase of your life to unfold.

The world can also indicate travel - literally and spiritually.

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Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere

The Destiny Nodes.

Watch the flowers grow.


The big news next week is that a shift occurs - as the Nodes - also known as our destiny points move into the Aries/Libra axes from (Taurus /Scorpio.) This is a time to take charge of our own Destiny, as a new collective vision, without waiting for validation from others - is critical to our personal growth. This may seem a bit daunting, as every sign is being aligned with a new personal journey. On this transformational day, each and everyone of us will be called upon to lean into and prioritizes our independence. ( Aries)

As these points shift from the Taurus / Scorpio Axes, where they’ve been for the last 18 months - our focus shifts from desire, comfort, stability and a need for control over our time - energy and what is /has been holding us back financially ( earned and joint) to a need for independence - self assertion and balance in our daily lives and within our personal and business relationships ( Aries/Libra).

Aries - Rules the first house of self expression and identity. In the next 18 months we’ll be called upon to assert a new sense of independence that potentially could lead us into a completly new direction - promting us to make some new choices.

Now isn’t the time to neglect our relationships either (Libra).. As you can see, they’ll be a fine balance here between finding our autonomy and independence - versus looking after “the other “ our relationships.

We also have a new Moon in the water sign of Cancer - symbolically a time of new beginings and intention setting. Also to note that the Sun and Moon are both in Cancer - this is fertile ground for a clean slate, fresh start and to release any emotional baggage from the past.

A “game changer” of a week that is only just beginning.

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Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere

The Judgement Card

It all begins with an idea.

The Judgement card is one of the major cards in the Tarot, and when it shows up it carries a very important message.

Since we are in the waning phase of the recent full Moon in Capricorn, also known as ‘The release phase’ the message here is how do we level up our conciousness for the service of our highest good?

In many ways, judgment is about an awakening - realising that we are destined for so much more. It’s our cosmic up-levelling card and we must listen to the Call and be ready to act. When we tune into our higher senses, we’re able to let go of our old self and step into the newest version of who we truly are.

Judgement is saying ‘we’re at a cross roads - and need to make some life changing decisions’. These decisions requires us to use a blend of our intellect and intuition and that we must trust and know that it will lead onto the right path. If there’s any confusion, look back into the past when an important decision was made to help create a clearer picture.

Judgment pops up when we’ve reached a significant stage in our journey - all the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together,to form a unified picture of our lifes story.

Use this important phase to let go and release any wrong doing, regret, guilt, and sadness from the past. This purging process will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on any new challenge.

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Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere

Three Card Tarot Combo

It all begins with an idea.

Card 1) The World..

You're ready to step into a brand new and exciting Cycle! The world comes up when we are fully connected and engaged with the outer and inner workings of ourselves & the universe.
You may have completed an important project,or about to start one.You could be working at a fabulous new company,or perhaps you're ready to expand your horizons...Keep going,and don't rest on your laurels,the world literally can be your Oyster now..
Can also indicate an exciting trip for work pleasure or both...Give your self a big Pat on the back,you're glowing with a sense of Wholeness and achievement. Everything is about to become full circle..Be ready!

Card 2) The Emperor ..

The Emperor is the male counterpart of the Empress in the Tarot. He can represents the Archetypal Father or The CEO of a company. He holds and wields an awful lot of power..
If this is you,then your time has come to up your game and step into the energies of the Emperor.
Use your Wisdom and expertise to guide and help others. Now is the time to launch big, if you haven't already. If you're working for a company and looking for promotion , then the answer is likely to be YES!
Use your power wisley though, as they'll be many people looking up to you for advise guidance and direction in the not too distant future..

Card 3) The King of Wands.
This king is traditionally a Fire sign ( Aries Leo Sagittarius) but in general he represents an ambitious charismatic Man who's heart is as big as it gets..If you chose this card, you are about to experience a person that steps into your life with nothing but good intentions. No need to go looking - this King gets around and will appear when the time is right. He holds much influence,and connects with the movers & the shackers of this world.
If You are this king,then you're about to see some exciting life changes happen.Your creativity and leadership skills will direct you towards others with the same common goals. Are you ready to step into a visionary,Leadership position - and manifest your vision with the support and respect of like minded people.. Great, it's your time..

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Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere

The Five of Cups

It all begins with an idea.

The five of cups appears as a somber image when we see this card in a reading; The key to understanding these energies is to look at the 2 cups remaining that are still standing; There's also a bridge and a castle, with the river crossing up ahead. These are all symbols of growth, movement and new beginings; Not all is lost.. Life isn't that bad, depending on whether you see your glass as "half full"or "half empty"?
Mercury the planet that governs all forms of communication, as well as transportation ( think strikes) and Mars the Fiery "action planet" have both been in Retrograde since the end of 2022...Mars goes direct on the 12th January & Mercury on the 18th..
Both planets retrograde can throw up all sorts of problems..Anything from,misunderstandings, issues with cars,computers (Mercury) to feeling like we're walking in treacle ‐- we cannot seem to get things moving (Mars)
When we see the five of cups,it often tells a story of upset,disappointment and grief..
If your experience seems to mirror any of the above, have hope,that nothing is forever,and that your/our focus should be on the positive elements of this card rather than the disappointment.
Let go of the past,process what's been upsetting,then look straight up ahead to pastures new.

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